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5. You Understand Their Body Language

There are dogs that are naturally more relaxed and lazy when they’re around their owners, while others are more animated and energetic. Every dog is different, but if you notice that there are changes in their behavior, you should know that something might be wrong.

If you want to have a strong bond with your dog, you should learn their body language. Jessica Lockhart, animal behavior director for the ASPCA Adoption Center, recommends trying a technique called “consent petting”.

Only pet your pooch if they don’t move away when you approach them. If they come to you, pet them for a few seconds, then look at their reaction. If they lean towards you or if they boop your hand, it means that they want more.

If they start yawning, quickly lick their lips, or turn their head away, they don’t want to be petted anymore. The more you’ll understand their body language, the more likely it is that they trust you.

6. They Wag Their Tail In a Specific Way 

The majority of people think that when a dog wags their tails they are happy. However, there are some Italian researchers who believe something different. In a 2007 study, they discovered that the direction in which dogs wag their tails can tell a lot about their emotions.

For instance, if your pup is wagging its tail to the right, it indicates that they are happy and excited, compared to the left-leaning wagging, which means that they have some negative feelings.

7. Look In Their Eyes 

A group of researchers from the University of Japan found that when pups and their owners started into one another’s eyes for a longer period of time, both of their oxytocin levels increased.

Oxytocin is a hormone that is also known as the cuddle and love hormone and it’s the same thing that helps new mothers bond with their babies. If you think about it, the same thing happens when you see someone you truly love and trust: your heart beats faster and you want to spend more time in their company.

On the other hand, you have to keep in mind that staring doesn’t necessarily mean trust, so you should always take other factors into consideration as well, such as the environment and their body language.

8. They Don’t See You Angry Very Often 

There are times when you might get frustrated with your dog, but you should pay attention to this, especially if you want your pup to trust you! A study from Brigham Young University said that your pooch is able to read your emotions and they are less likely to put their trust in you when you’re not in a good mood.

Researchers studied how pups reacted when they saw their owners point to a hidden reward without saying anything, then repeated the same command while using positive or negative vocal and facial gestures.

When dogs saw the negative expressions (having a sharp and harsh voice and being irritated), they weren’t in the mood to search for the treat.

…Do you think your pooch trusts you? Tell us in the comments down below!

…If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to give this one a try as well: 20 Giant Dogs That Adore Their Smaller Owners!

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