When you decide to adopt a pet, you have to take into consideration a few factors that should be prevented or satisfied to improve the well-being and quality of your dog’s life, such as giving them the type of food they need, providing regular veterinary check ups, exercising every day and other treatments that are necessary.
Whipworms in dogs sound like something terrifying and you should do your best to keep your beloved furry friend away from this disease. Whipworms are intestinal parasites that can grow in dogs. “They are parasitic nematodes and, therefore, cousins to hookworms and roundworms, [as well as] nonparasitic worms, such as earthworms,” says Rick Marrinson, DVM, of Longwood Veterinary Clinic in Longwood, Florida.
According to Dr. Marrinson, a member of the board of directors for the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC), whipworms can lay tiny microscopic eggs and can be found in dogs, foxes and coyotes, and once hatched, they will live in the colon or large intestine of their host.
Read on for more info about these parasites and find out how to prevent them!