People often believe the myth that earwigs creep inside the human ear, enter the brain, and damage it. However, it is now believed that this is an urban legend and although these creatures can crawl inside the ear, they do not burrow into the brain. This article presents some interesting facts about earwigs.

Earwigs live in groups and can be found in hundreds near swampy and marshy lands. During winter, they go 6 to 7 feet underground to survive the dryness. A female earwig can lay up to 50 eggs at one time. Females display a maternal instinct that is usually unheard of in insects. They take care of their young after they hatch, until their second molting session.

It is very rare to find earwigs in a house. They might enter your home either in search of food or if it is damp; they do not go into bedrooms as it is mostly dry in there. They are commonly found in kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, and basements, as these places are usually wet and damp.

If your garage is moist, then there are chances of earwigs breeding in the garage. They mostly thrive in wet or moist soil, for example, in open areas like lawns and gardens. They enter houses through cracks and crevices in the walls.

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