Jaguar weights approximately 56–96 kg. Bigger males have been recorded to weigh 158 kg. The littlest females have low weights of 36 kg. Females are commonly 10–20 percent littler than males. The length, from the nose to the base of the tail, of the felines differs from 1.12 to 1.85m.

Their tails are the most limited of any enormous feline, at 45 to 75 cm in length. Their legs are likewise short, impressively shorter when contrasted with a little tiger or lion in a comparable weight territory, yet are thick and effective.

The short limb structure of the Jaguar makes it adapt to climbing and swimming. Its jaw is very powerful as it has the highest bite force amongst all the feline family.

Female Jaguars achieve sexual maturity at around two years old and males at three or four. The feline is believed to mate during the whole time in the wild, despite the fact that births may increase when prey is plentiful. Research on hostage male Jaguars underpins the year-round mating speculation, with no occasional variety in semen attributes and ejaculatory quality; low regenerative achievement has additionally been seen in captivity.

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