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They are insects that are part of the Gryllidae family (“true crickets”) and belong to the order Orthoptera. They are related to bush crickets and somewhat more loosely related to grasshoppers. Gryllidae, or true crickets, have powerful hind legs, two pairs of wings, flattened bodies and antennae that can be as long or longer than their body.

Only male crickets chirp and do so to attract a female mate. Male crickets make their chirping noise by rubbing their wings together. Crickets are usually nocturnal which explains why we hear them at dusk and at night. They chirp at a different rate depending on the temperature – the higher the temperature the higher the rate.

Crickets are insects and therefore cold blooded. This means they need warm weather to have the energy to chirp. If the weather is too cool their chirping will slow down. Lizards, frogs, and tortoises enjoy eating crickets. Female crickets can lay up to 200 eggs at a time.

Crickets are omnivores. They are considered to be a sign of good luck in many cultures including Japanese and Chinese.

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