If threatened, jacana chicks, as well as adults, stay underwater for long periods with only the tip of their bill above water. They can also swim underwater to avoid predators. Wattled jacanas have a sharp spur on the elbow of each wing for defense.

Jacana predators include birds of prey, otters, large fish and turtles, crocodilians, and water snakes. Life can be dangerous in the wetlands!

Jacanas are carnivores that use their bills to turn over lily pads or other aquatic vegetation. They can also grasp the edges of these plants with their toes to partially turn them over in search of food. Insects, snails, worms, small crabs, fish, mollusks, and seeds are all on the menu.

Male jacanas do most of the nest building, using floating plants as a base for a nest made of leaves and stems. After the female has laid a clutch of four eggs, the male takes over the parenting responsibilities. He keeps the eggs dry and warm, not by sitting on them, but sliding the eggs under each wing. If the nest starts to sink, or the eggs are otherwise endangered, the male may pick them up and carry them under his wings to a new site.

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