Most people think that cows have four stomachs. That’s actually not true. They have just one stomach with four chambers — rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum. This allows them to break down tough plant matter that would normally be indigestible.

Cow gestation lasts the same amount of time as human pregnancy, nine months. The color red doesn’t make bulls angry. In fact, cows are red-green colorblind! In bullfights, it’s the motion of the cape that draws the bull’s attention, not the color.

Cows can live more than 20 years – although dairy cows rarely live that long, and cows raised for meat are lucky to exceed two years of life. If the cow has horns, you can guess its age by counting the number of rings. The average domestic cow sleeps only about four hours a day.

Cows drink the equivalent of a bathtub full of water each day. Hey, it takes a lot to wash down 40 pounds of food!

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