Hummingbirds have terrific vision: They can see every color we can, and their eyes can process ultraviolet light, which means they can also see some colors we can’t.

On top of that, hummingbirds are among the many animals gifted with a third set of eyelids. These translucent flaps of skin known as nictitating membranes act like natural flight goggles, protecting the hummingbird’s eyes as the little bird zooms through the air.

Mating season can get a bit competitive for hummingbirds. And not just in the “aw, gee, I saw her first” kind of way. Hummingbird males get mean. After a little bobbing and weaving, territorial males use their needle-like beaks like little shivs and stab each other in the throat.

They also use their face-knives for another kind of killing: hunting. Nectar is their favorite food source, but it’s not the only one; hummingbirds also eat small flying insects. When they approach a bug, they stretch their beaks wide. When the beak reaches its maximum stretch, it snaps shut like a hair clip, trapping the hapless insect inside.

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