African penguins communicate with one another through vocalizations and body language. Each individual has its own unique vocalization that distinguishes it from the others. They use three different types of calls: a bray, used to attract a mate; the yell, used to defend their territory; and the haw, used by mates to locate each other when one is on land and one is at sea.

Being fast swimmers allows them to catch a variety of prey from the sea, including sardines and anchovies, as well as squid and crustaceans.

They reach sexual maturity around four years of age. At this time, the male will court the female with a donkey-like bray. Once accepted by the female, the pair will continue to bond for the rest of their lives.

The female digs a burrow under a bush or a rock where she lays two eggs. Both parents take turns incubating the eggs for up to 40 days. Once the chicks hatch, the parents share the responsibility of keeping the chicks warm and fed constantly for the first 30 days.

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