1. A lounge of lizards
Maybe Juliana Berners was walking around and she saw a bunch of lizards lounging in the sun when she came up with this one. These tiny animals tend to be very territorial and have a hunting strategy that uses the sit-and-wait method.
What’s interesting about this hilarious term “lounge lizard” is that in the early 1900s, it was used as slang for men who were fancy dressed and hung out in bars, hotel lounges, and cafés, with the intention of seducing rich women.
2. A conspiracy of lemurs
Lemurs are tiny primates that have long tails and live in the beautiful trees on the island of Madagascar. They’re very close to one another, as they live in communities of up to 25 individuals. They like to work together – or conspire – to operate warning signals in order to inform other members of impending danger in their areas.
Lemurs also like to conspire against predators by “mobbing,” which is a technique when a snake, for instance, is attacked by an entire group. These small primates might therefore inspire conspiracies, but they have strong bonds with one another.
3. A smack of jellyfish
We can define a smack as “a strong slap or punch often given with the palm of the hand as a rebuke or punishment”. Some experts say that this is exactly what it feels like when, all of a sudden, you get caught in a bunch of jellyfish.
Swarm and bloom are other collective nouns that are used to describe a group of jellyfish. However, we believe that smack might be the most suitable one. These creatures can be found in both shallow and deep ocean areas, and they can even hurt you while they’re on the beach.
4. A mob of kangaroos
When we think of a mob, we usually have in mind a huge crowd of chaotic people that end up causing a lot of trouble. Kangaroos like to stay with one another and live in groups that range from 10 to more than 100. The main goal of a mob is to prevent violence and protect the younger or powerless members of the group.
…Did you know that the Australian Aboriginal Guugu Yimithirr tribe used to call a gray kangaroo “gangurru”? Well, this is how the word kangaroo was formed.