6 Animals Who Invaded Countries With Devastating Effects

Photo by Jen Watson from shutterstock.com

I think we can all agree that animals are adorable. They are highly intelligent, however they are still animals. Hunting, being predators and live in the wild will always be parts of their true nature.

One more interesting aspect about them is their invasion tendency, sometimes they migrate to other territories because of the lack of food, as a result of climate change or their habitat went extinct.

And when they do so the result can be almost catastrophic.

They can be aggressive to humans and be a threat to the local ecosystems and ecology. Here are a few cases where some creatures migrated and caused a true chaos.

Photo by Johan Larson from shutterstock.com

1. Cane Toad

Perhaps one of the most invasive creatures there are. They have been imported to lots of places around the globe by farmers who wanted to eliminate the local pests.

This took a drastic turn when the toad, who weights 2 pounds and is 8-inches long, became a pest itself.

The amphibian started devouring several species, it was later discovered that it has a poisonous skin (some animals deliberately lick their skin and get HIGH!) and can reproduce more than a rabbit can!!!

They are basically indestructible too, they have been seen ran over by a car and then recovering just fine!

2. Brown Marmorated Stink Bug 

Maybe one of the worst and most annoying bugs there ever EXISTED! These are just about everywhere!

They can eat almost anything and because of that they are known to be very destructive, three years ago, almost 20% of an apple crop was ruined by these bugs.

They stink, they make an insufferable noise and are just too much!

3. Japanese Beetle

This insect is eating more than 200 types of plants and they are originally from Japan and in 1912 they were brought to the U.S., probably along with a shipment of iris bulbs.

It took 4 more years for them to be discovered in New Jersey and have spread to Idaho.

Photo by Ihor Hvozdetskyi from shutterstock.com

4. Red Imported Fire Ant

These are are originally from South America and even though they are not deadly, they will cause A LOT of pain!

They invaded the south of the U.S. since the 1930s and there are lots of invasive populations in Taiwan and Australia as well (Australia seems to be the kingdom of all insects and dangerous creatures doesn’t it?).

Scientists have come up with a solution for that, that being releasing Phorid flies into their nest, the flies will eventually decapitate them.

5. European Starling

In the 1890s the American Acclimatization Society released in the Central Park more than 100 starlings and by 1950s they managed to spread in Europe.

The European Starling is a very loud bird and they compete with every native bird, when they don’t ruin crops! Biggest nightmare of all!

6. Asian Tiger Mosquito

Mosquitos are terrible creatures really! They are maybe the biggest pain the neck of all!

The Asian Tiger mosquito is distinguished thanks to the black and white markings on its body is originally from Asia but spread to Europe, Africa, the Middle East and the U.S!!

Besides the fact that it’s an invasive species it can also be quite dangerous! It carries the West Nile virus and the dengue fever to name a few.

A. I.:
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