8 Common Animals That Used To Be HUGE!

Photo by SerFeo from shutterstock.com

There’s no question that the animal kingdom is great and that animals continue on a daily basis to surprise us with their high intelligence and skills.

We are used to animals as these small creatures, but have you ever wondered if this was always the case?

Well, dinosaurs were huge creatures that used to walk on Earth some many years ago, what if they weren’t the only ones?

We don’t know exactly how life used to be hundreds or millions of years ago. But some new historic proof can tell us.

You are gonna be shocked when we tell you that these animals used too be just ENORMOUS.

Photo by jdross75 from shutterstock.com

1. Did you know that sloths were the size of an elephant

You wouldn’t look at sloths and think that they once were huge. Imagine what kind of damage they were capable of considering their long sharp claws.

Experts say that back in the prehistoric times (the last of these species is thought to have been living 4,500 years ago) they used to be 20 feet long.

However, those mammals were quite different than the ones we know today, apparently there was a species that used to dive underwater searching for food.

2. Bugs were the size of birds

We already hate insects and some of you might be even terrified when you see them, but the times we live in now are sweeter than centuries ago when they were bigger than birds! Yes, you read that right.

 3. Gigantic sharks that could’ve eaten the sharks that we know

Also known  as the megalodon, this creature was about 50 feet long and experts say that in the present day sharks are as small as a megalodon’s p*nis.

They became extinct 2 million years ago due to the cooling waters and other predators. Some people believe they are still around though.

4. Rats as big as cats

Another creature that we are not fond of which used to be 10 times bigger than in the present. I know, just TERRIFYING!

5. Whaaat???? Snakes as big as a school bus?!

Everything in that sentence horrifies us. According to the fossils experts found, more than 50 million years ago, in the tropical jungle, these ones used to be over 40 feet long!!!

Photo by Lesia Povkh from shutterstock.com

6. A real life King Kong

Gigantopithecus was a 10 feet tall and 1,000 pound gorilla and lived in China. It became extinct about more than 100,000 years ago and scientists believe it was because of their huge appetite.

We can’t blame them, sometimes we feel like starvation gets to us when we haven’t eaten anything in the past 2 hours.

7. Is that a beaver or a black bear?

Even though nowadays there are only two kinds of beavers, back in the prehistoric times they came in several shapes and sizes.

There was a species called Castoroides which scientists often joke that were ”beavers on steroids”. They were so big they could’ve been  easily confused with a bear.

8. Camels were 12 feet tall

Camels are very sweet animals and they are indeed very tall, but 100,000 years ago they used to be even taller, 12 feet to be exact. Almost the size of an elephant. They ruled!


These creatures were the ancient proof that there are still so many things surrounding the animal kingdom that we still need to learn more about.

With these facts we can’t help but wonder: What else do we need to uncover and how different really were things millions of years ago.

I guess we still have a long way to go in order to have a clear picture when it comes to Earth’s history and the creatures that lived on it.

A. I.:
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