Categories: Facts

9 Unbelievable Animals Created By Science

Photo by Jeff Whyte from shutterstock.com

There’s no doubt that we live in modern times, where science has reached unbelievable levels. We are amazed every time the scientific world makes significant discoveries and achieving incredible milestones.

Scientists are usually driven to discover more and achieve more and so there’s no wonder they would try to create life, in a lab. For decades, they tried to make the impossible possible and construct a living creature from scratch.

This is not one of those crazy conspiracies, it’s a fact, they’ve been trying and even succeeded to do so with animals, there have been some interesting creatures they managed to create in a lab, so let’s take a close look at them:

Photo by Cavan-Images from shutterstock.com

1. Ruppy  

Ruppy is a dog created by a Korean scientist. He was actually cloned with the help of a viral transfection of fibroblasts cells with some sort of protein which make him glow in the dark!

That’s a pretty cool dog, am I right?

2. A chicken with no feathers?!

Since the majority of the world’s population are eating chicken and since it’s very hard work to remove their feathers, a group of scientist thought it would be a good idea to mix up DNAs and create a chicken with NO FEATHERS!

It sounds pretty weird, I know, but they discovered some interesting features as well such as the fact that: it has fewer calories, has more proteins, and parasites are less likely to invade their bodies. Finger licking good, right?

3. Dolly…the sheep

Dolly was the first cloned creature which reached adulthood. This sparked many controversies, but a lot of jokes as well regarding the fact that they cloned a creature that always look the same with others of its kind.

4. The Vacanti mouse

The Vacanti mouse was a rodent, who in 1995, had a grown ear on its back, all thanks to the scientist Dr. Charles Vacanti. Vacanti wanted to prove that you can transplant human cartilage onto the human body.

He experimented it first on a mouse.

5. A zombie dog? Really?

Yes, you read that right. The first experiment was conducted in the 1940s in the Soviet Union when a group of scientist thought it would be a good idea to play God with a dog.

They beheaded the dog and then put it on life support, while they also added blood transfusion and oxygen to the brain. The dog came back to life and even attempted to lick his own nose.

Photo by mycteria from shutterstock.com

6. A transparent frog?!?!

Scientists decided that instead of performing the basic disection on a frog and cut it open, they would genetically make the frog see-through. That way you can see its organs without actually killing it.

7. Enviropigs

In case you didn’t know pigs are highly intelligent creatures. And it also happens that they contribute to pollution because of the large quantities of phosphorus they excreet.

And so some scientists genetically changed them so that the they can reduce the amount they let out.

Fun fact: With this there’s also a theory that they are trying to create an army of pigs that it will take over the world! (Yes some people are just that ”special”).

8. Spider silk goat

This refers to a goat who has the DNA of a spider, but the difference isn’t in its body, appearance or behavior, the difference is in the milk, which is rich in spider silk and if separated it can produce a good quantity of spider silk.

9. A mosquito that… heals?

This mosquito was created with the purpose of helping fight disease. Scientists would release it, infect other mosquitos and in just a few years they would eliminate the whole population.

This would be a significant step forward in the battle against malaria, one of the deadliest diseases there is.

A. I.:
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