4 Famous Animals That Don’t Actually Exist

Photo by Monster Ztudio from shuttesrtock.com

Nowadays, living in the Internet era it’s easier than ever to spread false allegations, rumors, things that are completely made up by normal people with the sole purpose to deceive others for their own benefit or amusement.

The famous saying ”If it’s on the Internet then it must be true” didn’t come out of nowhere. Daily, people are finding out that some things they thought were true were just hoaxes such as these XX animals.

You may be shocked to learn that these creatures were nothing but the creation of the Internet and that’s it. Scroll down to see which ones we are talking about.

Photo by Rey Rodriguez from shutterstock.com

1. Jackalopes

The Jackalope is very famous, especially in the U.S. The Jackalope is a rabbit with deer horns. However, there is nothing fictional or supernatural about it. This is a rare phenomenon that occurs when they get infected by a strain of HPV.

Scientists have observed that when they get this illness, they start growing warts that look like horns. These tumors can be deadly to rabbits, but it’s nothing more than it meets the eye, especially not in this case.

Photo by A Life Beneath Stars from shutterstock.com

2. Australian Drop Bears

The Australian drop bear is rumored to be this carnivore bear that drops from a tree and feeds on humans. They are said to be very dangerous and vicious! Well, in reality, none of that is even close to the truth.

They are only a myth and that’s it.

Photo by Noiel from shutterstock.com

3. Brontosaurs

Wait, what??? The brontosaurs actually never existed? Apparently, it’s just a result of an error, some fossils were mismatched because of a battle or argument between two paleontologists.
The two wanted to name as many dinosaurs as they could, and they were in so much competition that they even destroyed fossil sites. One of them found the skeleton of a long-necked dinosaur but couldn’t find its head, so instead, he picked a different skull and matched it to its body.

Photo by Alexlky from shutterstock.com

4. Chupacabras

In the ’90s many strange animal attacks occurred in Latin America and people started to believe in a monster called Chupacabra (translated as ”goat sucker”).  When investigators tried to get to the bottom of it, they learned that most of the sightings and the description of the creature was influenced by the movie ”Species“.

Like all of the previously mentioned animals, this is just a myth.

Which one surprised you the most?

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A. I.:
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