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2. They start chewing your stuff
Dogs chew. This is a straight fact. But this destructive behavior can be the result of fear, anxiety, or the lack of attention. Firstly, you should go to the vet and check if it’s a health-related problem or not.
3. They bite
Animals will be animals. Even your beloved pet will return to its basic instincts. If they bite you, it means they are responding to threatening or hurtful behavior. However, if they bite you when you’re cuddling with them, then you should back off and potentially take them to a vet.
They may be showing aggressive behavior because they are injured or sick.
4. They start scratching
When our pet starts scratching us, we are beyond annoyed. But that annoying behavior means something. They are trying to tell the owner something is bothering them, and they want some personal space.
This can also be a response to anxiety. Just like us, our pets can feel anxious or depressed and they tend to act accordingly.