Its beauty is probably why this bird’s likeness is used in much of the cultural art found on the island of Bali in Indonesia. The Bali myna or Bali starling is found in one small region of Bali, an island that is smaller than the size of Rhode Island.

Bali mynas eat insects, such as ants and termites, caterpillars, dragonflies, and grasshoppers, and fruit, including figs, papayas, and nectar. They may also eat worms and small reptiles. Insects seem to be most plentiful in Bali during the rainy season, January through April. Perhaps this is why the mynas have their breeding season at that time.

Both aggression and courtship are demonstrated similarly: the bird raises its head crest, points its bill to the sky, and bobs its body about. Along with this impressive display are some unique vocalizations, almost defying description.

There are deep hisses, trills, and a series of vibrating notes generally accompanied by raucous, whistling chirps. During these songs, the chest is expanded and the plumage fluffed. A fan-shaped spreading of the tail feathers concludes the display.

If courtship is intended, the female sidles closer to the displaying male and preens his neck and chest areas. This attention is rewarded when he preens her in turn.

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