1. Tallest – Sarus crane

Standing at a towering 1.8m (5.9ft), the sarus crane is the tallest flying bird in the world, but is suffering from a loss of habitat.

2. Smallest – Demoiselle crane

The dance of the demoiselle crane has been likened to ballet. These pirouetting birds are clever too, and sometimes fake injury to distract predators from nests.

3. Longest migration – Siberian crane

This species migrates from northern Siberia to China, India or Iran, travelling up to 6,000km (3,730mi).

4. Rarest – Whooping crane.

Pushed to the brink of extinction in 1941, there were only 16 birds remaining. A strong effort has led to a limited recovery of 200 birds now living in the wild.

5. Not a craneheron

Herons are often mistaken for cranes and it’s easy to see why. Both are tall wading birds of a similar build, with spindly legs and long necks. Despite their similarities they are genetically different, with herons being part of the Ardeidae family. They can be differentiated in flight. Herons have a heavier head and curve their necks backwards onto their bodies during flight giving an ‘s’ shape, whereas cranes fly with their necks outstretched.


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