This dog breed doesn’t require high maintenance costs or other special treatments, but you have to pay attention to their diet and behavior if you want to enjoy a long company with your beloved furry friend. However, if you want to adopt a chihuahua, it’s important to know that they are also very intelligent animals who can learn a lot of new things. So, you don’t have to worry about their socializing and training process.
Moreover, don’t forget that they can become aggressive with other dogs if they are not socialized properly. This dog breed is generally healthy, but they can be prone to developing certain diseases, such as patellar luxation and pulmonic stenosis.
44 thoughts on “”
My tzu is 15. He is still learning new tricks. I’m helping him learn that there sre 3 doors before our house. Some days are better than others
I have 9 Wire Haired Fox Terriers buried in my yard over the last 53 years – a Schnauzer, a Jack Russell and alllll of them have lived to 17, 18, 19 years of age – NO shots, all Homeopathic vaccines, all organic food that I make myself – some were on a raw diet, including raw chicken necks, – also their water same as ours is Distilled water that has been magnetized, energized, solarized and had 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide added to it ( creates oxygen, kills, virus, bacteria, mold and more) and also add Homeopathic minerals ) check out books on Amazon on Hydrogen peroxide 35% Food Grade – books back to 1893; book by Dr Donsbach, By Claude LeBeau – I am 81 with absolutely no health problems – no doctors in my life.
Would like to know more
Hello Helen Campbell, I have found your information interesting…especially about Hydrogen peroxide. Please clarify for me are you saying you add the peroxide to your diet or just the dogs?
I had a GERMAN SHEPPARD who lived to be 16 years of age. Such an AWESOME animal. I truly miss her. She was six weeks old when received. She stayed with a trainer for 30 days when she was three or four months. When she returned she was the best Dog with a great vocabulary! She’s been gone over a year now! I’m thinking of a BereneDoddle. I would like a smaller Dog who doesn’t shed sooo much.
Congratulations on 81 years of age! Other helpful hints please! God Is Good!
Suggestions please!
In the past I have enjoyed two wire haired fox terriers. Both lived to almost 17 years. And were the most loveable, loving pets that God has generously blessed us with. They both had good regular vet care, ate regular dog food and slept with me every night. Jane
Wow…. you are amazing. I’m 73 and in good health but I will sure consider your methods for myself and my dogs and cats. My Jack Russell is on Raw food now but last year at 14 his tongue was removed from cancer. He is spoiled rotten now and doing well with lots of energy. I do feel animal food is the reason our pets are not living as long as they could. Thank you for your post Helen.
I’m amazed! Both for you and your dogs. I’m 75, and can’t say the same about NOT having docs in my life or my pets.
Do you think it’s too late for me and my husband to start your plan?
Linda Romani
That is so wonderful and absolutely amazing!
I have had many dogs in my life, I am 80 yrs old, but the longest was my German Short hair Pointer, I lost her at 13 years old. my Airedale was 10 and on his birthday. they died of cancer. My GSP died of lefnodg cancer. myAD died of aggressive melonober cancer. We had the cancer separatist for six weeks and there was nothing he could do. Echo my GSP I doctor for about 8 week and I had to let her go. She was my show dog and a Chaperon. the other were 11, or 12.
When we got our two lab pups, my husband said “countdown to heartache”. The year before we lost our two labs, 16 & 11 yrs.
Chihuahuas are in fact very nice dogs which way too often get a very bad wrap. With regards to kids, I would recommend that people with really young children not consider getting one of these as a pet. Little children tend to find these diminutive dogs irresistible and as a result, they are often mishandled, sometimes much too aggressively. This will result in aggressive behaviors in these dogs who are simply trying to defend themselves. Before you know it, they will bite and you will be upset. Chihuahuas are the 2nd second highest breed to be euthanized in the US which is not necessary if people just take the time to understand the typical behavioral attributes of the breed of dog they are considering.
What is the highest breed to be euthanized? Anyone know? 🙁
We have had Doberman Pincers all adopted from the pound and all lived to be 16-18 years old. We hand cooked their food. We spoiled them rotten and they always slept with us.
They held off going to heaven because they said they were already in dog heaven!!!
Good for you and your doggies too !!
I hear Dobies are moody and sometimes will even turn on their masters. Is this true?
In relation to this discussion today, my wife has laid down the law… She told me from day one if I wanted a dog, it would be without her as my wife. I had to choose. So I took about three days to decide (LOL) and finally decided the wife stays. She is allergic to flea bites and was bitten badly by a dog when she was a little girl. She had to have rabies shots! Can you imagine the horror of that whole situation with a little girl?
As far as owning a dog is concerned, I think even if I was allowed to have one, I might not choose to have one, even though I love most dogs. The reason is I would get TOO attached to it and then when it dies after 20 years, I would GRIEVE HARD for it, just like I would a close family member. I thought dogs lived a lot longer than a mere 20 years. I had no idea their live spans are on average so short! Wow…. bummer.
Your perception of Dobermans being moody and turning on their owners is completely and utterly wrong. They are the sweetest and most loving, intelligent dogs I’ve ever owned. The key to any dog is that they get the proper training as little pups, socialization and vet care. I get my Dobermans from the best breeder in the States. The parents come directly from Europe and are bred for Temperament, Health and Longevity, first and foremost. Plus they look like a Dobie should look – big and stocky, after all they are Guard Dogs. You pay a bit more for a pup, but it’s so worth it. They are a magnificent dog.
Tibetan Spaniel
Not surprising that they’re all small breeds. I have a 15 year old female Husky, and though I don’t know when her last day on Earth will be with me, each day I do have with her is a blessing! Healthy food, the proper supplements and a low stress home (and possibly genetics as well) are what, I believe, have contributed to her long life.
I just lost my 80 lb collie/golden retriever, one month shy of his 15th birthday. I was very blessed!!
I believe rat terriers also have a very long life span.
Life span is 16-18 years
Amazing and something to think about. If you have the money. Would think all the organic and homeopathic stuff would b expensive. But would like to know more about it. for health reasons due to being a paraplegic.
My oldest dog a Miniature Schnauzer. He died 2 weeks before age 17. Schnauzers don’t shed, great with kids, love to learn tricks and prefer being with you than alone. For this reason a lot of people have 2. Twice the fun and they still prefer being with you. One dog loved to play soccer with my son.
I have a Llassapoo that is currently 16 1/2 years old. He has been on a raw diet for years and has slowed down this year but still doing quite well considering he’s so old. He’s amazing! We adore him and pray he is with us for another few years.
Our Sheltie just passed at 18.5. He rarely went to the vet and never had his teeth cleaned. He ate kibble and some chicken. He went on many walks. Best family dog ever!
You didn’t mention Coton de Tulears. They normally live up to 16 years, some have even lived to 20.
We had 3 coton de tulears- mom, dad, and baby. Dad lived just short of 17 yrs, mom 17 1/2 yrs, and baby also 17 years. Wonderful for all ages. Love to play with young children etc., sit on laps of elderly, and enjoyed being part of family. They slept with us.
I am Chihuahuas all the way!! I have had three. First lived to 22 years, second lived to 21 years and my new one is just a year old. These dogs are so funny and playful, great travelers, great snugglers, good watchdogs also. Just give them a bath here and there ,feed them a high protein diet and keep them warm and they just keep on going!
I’m with you Marly! We were so lucky to have had the opportunity to rescue a 1/2 Chuauwa & 1/2 Dachshund pup, “Poohkie!” She was quite a sight that only a mommy would think was perfectly beautiful! I just love both breeds! She was the sweetest, most loving…watch dog ever! I just love that she was a cuddle-bug who slept with us in our bed…in fact when my sister was visiting & went to go to bed, I could hear her burst out laughing because our little girl had beat her to it. When my sister threw back the comforter she got quite the surprise! There under the covers just waiting for her was our Poohkie, looking right back at her with the “What? I was just making sure you felt at home!” look! Unfortunately, she was hit by a bus when she snuck out of the house to follow my daughter to school 😪 too sad! She was definitely a blessing for the 8yrs we got to love her 💕
We had two golden Retrievers. The female lived to 17 and her half brother lived to 15/. A day does not go by that I don’t miss them, I also had 2 cats live to 21 and 22.
Hi to hear this is so wonderful, we had two Goldens Sunny, and Cruse, Cruse passed with cancer at 8 years, Sunny passed at 9years of cancer, hope to heaven doctors find a cure we really love these Goldens.
Food dyes are a useless additive to pet food, that
manufacturers say it’s to “make the food look more palatable”. Palatable for who? Dogs & cats don’t care what color their food is, but the food dyes are harmful to them. The manufacturers could start by removing them.
i have a pomeranian. Her name is emma. she is very beatuful i had another pomeranian named holly before her but she passed away at age nine. she wasn’t spade fast enough and developed a condition. i can’t r emember the name. she was also very beautiful. love my dogs. thanks for the posting.
I had a ShihTzu who lived to be 17 years and 9 months old and my current shihtzu will turn 11 in May 0f 2021!Sadly 2 of the shihtzus I have had over the last almost 53 years were hit by cars and One died being Spayed
Our little 10 lb Bichon Frize lived to be 17 yrs 7 months. We got him at 12 weeks old because the breeder said they need to stay with their mother until she teaches them manners. Loved every minute with him. He was the ultimate pleaser. Never wanted to mess up. It is my breed of choice. I grew up with chihuahuas, and when I got married, we had a black lab and a mini schnauzer and then our Bichon. I have cancer and am too old to get another puppy. We may foster in the future because I love animals.
I have had 3 whippets. Good for people with allergies. They have no dander. My first dog lived to 18
we had a SHELTIE make it to 20. The best pal ever and we sure miss him. If your dog passes…………I hope you will have the courage to get another right away. We have a large rough collie and a new sheltie puppie. they are great together. Like a comedy show all the time.
Growing up I had a few different breeds. But, the fox terrier we had lived 20 years. She had a great life and ate a home cooked Italian dinner everyday. She was playful and she was even hit by a car once and my Dad nursed her back to health. She died suddenly after being really tired for two days. She had no energy and just lay there. On the second evening she just closed her eyes. Her name was Cindy. Great dog……..,
We had dogs as children but o oh one dog as adults. He was sent to us by angels. We love h II m but eventually had to give him up because others were afraid of him. He was a gentle giant German Shepherd who barked a lot and was terrified of cars. He had a crippled back leg. Living in the country, our neighbors had many dogs at a time over many years. I think the dogs thought we were their human grandparents. When our neighbors were gone the dogs came to our house. We loved each of them and a few were extra special to us. When their human daddy died of cancer, they mourned so hard. We did too. He was like a younger brother to us. The dogs stayed here more and more. There were 3 at that time all large breeds. I’ve never seen such mourning by animals. It was heart breaking. It was if they all gave up and gave in to emotion. No amount of gentle loving could help. One by one they gave up and crossed the rainbow bridge. I cry now as I remember them. It has been at least 5 years now. We bought a yard statue in honor of our wonderful neighbor and friend, Don. He loved all animals, both wild and tame. The statue is of St. Francis. We carry the dogs in our hearts. There will be no more dogs here. We are too old to play with them now. Sweet memories. Hazel the blind Beatle who was so gentle and would sneak up behind you and gently tap your ankle for a petting. She was my favorite. I would open a can of tuna or salmon and she would be tapping on my door within minutes. As I said, we live in a very rural area but she had a nose that was unbelievable. She would go running across the yards and through the woods, nose to the ground. When something was in her way she would stop short, sniff her way around the obstruction and continue on her journey. What a dog!!!!
I have had 4 very senior doggies in my 73 yrs 2 Toy poodles Shady Lady and Bear both lived to 18 yrs, a Lhasa Apso Tillie 17 1/2 yrs, and a very feisty 22 yr old Toy Fox Terrier Miss Penny. So very fortunate to have had them for the yrs I did and wish all my doggies had been to stay with me as long as these did! 💕
Mom’s childhood dog was a Sheltie mix & lived to nearly 20, & even then, did not die naturally. Being a farm dog (who ate only “people” food fr the farm…no commercial dog food) & aged, she was nearly blind/deaf, but she still went to the barn every day to “work.” A delivery truck ran over her 🙁 in the lane. (You’d THINK business/delivery people coming onto your property would be mindful of your pets, children, belongings, & property!!! but, NO.) My childhood dog, a beagle/Manchester Terrier mix, was nearly 19 & we put her down after a stroke, tho’ she was “game” to stump around & allow us to take her out to pottie, it was too painful to watch & very hard on her. My present longest-loved dog was a stray we took in, a definite mix of Lab/Shar-Pei/Mastiff. She was a gentle, huge, well-muscled dog, of 130 lb. She lived easily through a cancer surgery, at age 9, & at 14, all organs were still uber-healthy, but she had spinal stenosis that eventually did not allow her to walk, & so we had to say good-bye. I still miss her gentle & loving spirit every day. My vet initially told me to NOT keep her b/c of the obvious Shar-Pei/Mastiff in her, & she was afraid of men (at the time–which went away almost pronto b/c my husband is such a dog lover/spoiler). I cried in the vet office and he resignedly listed her as a “Lab mix” in her records & agreed to have her as a patient. After treating her for years, when we had to put her down, the entire vet office cried & cried…they had grown to love her as much as we did, calling her “the gentle giant.” I recently lost a cat who was born on our property, so I know exactly how old he was….23 1/2. No matter how long our furry friends live, it’s never long enough for us, tho’ it might have been mighty good for them.
I had three pugs, 8 l5 and 13. I am now on my first rescue dog a hot dog, age 8 and hope she lives as long as my prior pugs !!!
My Eski American Eskimo lived 15, but I’ve heard of many that lived up to 20.
We had our Shellie poodle mix for 17 years. I still grieve her. We have had other dogs who were and are awesome but Daisy was our very first family dog and will always be first in my heart!