Top 8 Deadliest Snakes That Can Be Around You

It is estimated there are approximately 2 million annual snakebite incidences all around the world, so we offer you some information about the most dangerous snakes in the world. Also, this list of snake species has different points of view, from their venom to their aggressiveness, every snake has a mark.

Check them out for more information and to be aware of the danger that surrounds you!

1. Black Mamba – (Dendroaspis Polylepis)

The Black Mamba is common is Sub-Saharan Africa and it’s very fast, it can travel at speed of up to 12 miles per hour. It’s the second largest snake in Africa, it can get to 4,5 m and it’s very aggressive, territorial and has an olive-green color. The name comes from it’s black mouth.

Venom: 9

Fatalities: 9

Personality: 8

Aggressiveness: 8

Total: 34/40

2. Russell’s Viper

Russell’s Viper is found in Asia and due to its irritable nature, this snake is responsible for more human fatalities than any other venomous snake. This is the most dangerous viper snake in the world, because of its snakebite injury and mortality. This snake grows to a maximum length of 166 cm. It’s average venom yield is 45 mg and for most humans a lethal dose is 40-70 mg.

Venom: 7

Fatalities: 10

Personality: 8

Aggressiveness: 8

Total: 33/40

3. Egyptian Cobra – (Naja haje)

The Egyptian Cobra is the most common cobra in Africa and is responsible for many deaths there. The average adult cobra can reach 2m in length and its average venom quantity reaches 175 to 200 mg in just one bite. This is the third most toxic venom of any cobra after Naja philippinensis and the Cape Cobra. Although, this snake is considered more dangerous than Cape Cobra, because is much larger and more aggressive.

Venom: 6

Fatalities: 8

Personality: 10

Aggressiveness: 7

Total: 31/40

4.The Mozambique Spitting Cobra

It is native to Africa and its color is slate to olive grey, olive or tawny brown above and has some black scales. After the Mamba, the Mozambique Spitting Cobra also known as Naja mossambica it is the most dangerous snake in Africa. Its venom can be ejected at 3 meters and has a remarkable accuracy. Despite its aggressive behavior, the spitting cobra doesn’t bite so often.

Venom: 7

Fatalities: 5

Personality: 5

Aggressiveness: 10

Total: 27/40

5.Crotalus adamanteus

This is a venomous pit viper species and it’s found in the southeastern United States. Crotalus adamanteus is the heaviest venomous snake in the Americas and some of them can live beyond twenty years, although life expectancy in the wild is shorter because of human expansion and hunting. This species has the reputation of being the most dangerous venomous snake in North America. Its venom contains TLE and can lead to clotting fibrinogen.

Venom: 6

Fatalities: 7

Personality: 7

Aggressiveness: 6

Total: 26/40

6.Inland Taipan

This is also known as the Small Scaled Snake or Fierce Snake, it lives in Australia and is the most venomous land snake on Earth. Despite of its deadly venomous bite, this snake is very secretive and shy, and it bites only if it’s feeling threatened. This snake has the maximum yield recorded for one bite and is 110 mg and this means it can kill over 100 people.

Venom: 10

Fatalities: 3

Personality: 7

Aggressiveness: 3

Total: 23

7. Australian Brown Snake

Just a little bit of its venom can kill a person and is the world’s second most venomous land snake. Native to Australia, this snake is very fast moving and highly aggressive. When they are defensive, they hold their necks high and they appear in an upright S-shape. The venom contains blood coagulants and neurotoxins and those can be fatal to humans.

Venom: 9

Fatalities: 3

Personality: 6

Aggressiveness: 4

Total: 22/40

8.Tiger Snake

This snake can be found in southern regions of Australia, including Tasmania, highly variable in color, this snake has a potent neurotoxin, hemolysins, myotoxins and coagulants and that’s why is ranked among the deadliest snakes in the world. If you are bitten, you will start feel a localized pain in the foot and neck region, numbness, sweating and tingling. If you don’t get treated, it is fatal, the mortality rate for this species is over 60%.

Venom: 6

Fatalities: 4

Personality: 7

Aggressiveness: 3

Total: 20

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