Here Are 15 Exotic Trips For People Who Love Animals

Polar Bear Party In Manitoba

The biggest congregation of polar bears in the world is located in the Canadian province of Manitoba. Each fall, tourists can gather to observe the massive annual migration of these fascinating great whites. In fact, certain hotels offer a direct view that brings you just a few feet away from the bears!

Ride Horses Through Iceland

Stunning, sure-footed horses. Gob-smackingly spectacular scenery, fresh air and unforgettable experiences while bonding with some of the most amazing animals on the Planet!

Magical Manatees!

Florida’s endangered species of manatees are incredibly rare – and incredibly beautiful. There are only a couple of places where you can see them, but the best one probably is kayaking on the Crystal River.

Kiss Cows In California

And not just cows, but also pigs, dogs, ducks, turkeys, chickens, goats, horses and hundreds of other animals who have found their ways to The Gentle Barn in Santa Clarita, California. The Gentle Barn is a sanctuary filled with loving animals that can’t wait to be showed affection – regardless of their size!

Check Up On Cheetahs

By becoming an assistant of the animal ambassadors, you can enter the Cheetah Outreach sanctuary of South Africa. Here, you can hug cheetah cubs, take their mothers for a walk and even bond with them!

Borrow A Dog In Hawaii

The Kauai Humane Society has an awesome program for dog-loving tourists. Visitors can borrow a shelter dog for day trips in paradise. The rescue group provides dog borrowers with a bag of supplies: an “adopt me” vest, water, towels and treats. Who doesn’t fall in love in Hawaii?

Parahawking In Nepal

Parahawking“ involves paragliding alongside trained, endangered birds of prey in the Himalayas. As parahawking inventor Scott Mason says, the (rather extreme) sport helps raise awareness about the plight of Asia’s vultures; Mason also donates money from every parahawking flight to environmental groups.

Swim With The Pigs

There are certain spots in the Bahamas where you can actually hang out with friendly pigs on the beach and even swim with them!

Go Deep In Micronesia

The giant manta rays of Yap will blow your mind. Island hop over to Palau for the corals, the big fishes, the turtles, the astonishingly clear, warm water (and the opportunity to snorkel with stingless jellyfish). Then catch a flight to the Marshall Islands, which you may know as a nuclear testing site, but has more recently become the world’s largest shark sanctuary.

Long Live The Lemurs

Madascar’s 101 lemur species are in trouble. Experts say you can help by engaging in responsible eco-tourism on that spectacular island off Africa’s southeastern coast. Who are you to say no?

Pal Around With Pandas

Head to China, panda fiends. Or to D.C., where for $6,000 you can request a private audience with Bao Bao, the National Zoo’s panda cub.

The Original Cat Cafe

New York’s cat cafe took the city by storm. Go to Japan, and grab some coffee and purrs where it all began.

Tarsier Time In The Philippines

This Gremlin-looking creature is one of the smallest primates in the world. Like so many primates, tarsiers are having a rough time of things, due largely — you won’t be surprised — to habitat loss. Simply visiting them helps raise awareness on the fact that they need more help!

Touch Bugs At The Insect Zoo

The O. Orkin Insect Zoo at the Smithsonian, in D.C., has species from all over the world, and daily interactive exhibits. (That’s right: you can hold and touch bugs there.) The butterfly pavilion, full of those live, colorful creatures, will appeal even to those who are otherwise squeamish.

Hop Over To Australia

Australia has so many amazing, unique animals, guys: penguins, koalas, the cassowary (a humongous bird that is both endangered and feared). Go see them all. Also don’t miss a sunset tour of the 90-acre Kangaroo Sanctuary in Alice Springs!

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