16 Animals That Were Successfully Cloned

This is a selection of photos of 16 animals that have been cloned. Scientists have been successfully cloning animals since the early 1960s, when a Chinese embryologist cloned an Asian carp.

Apparently, it’s just a matter of time until cloned humans start emerging from test tubes. Nowadays scientist focus on cloning animals for different test, learning more about specific diseases.

We gathered 16 animals that were successfully cloned so, check them out for more information.


An Asian carp was cloned in 1963 and ten years later a scientist also cloned an European crucian carp.

Dolly the sheep

Dolly is the first cloned mammal. It was a great success in 1996.

Cumulina the mouse

It was the first successful mouse cline in Hawaii in 2000. She lived two years and seven months.

Noto and Kaga – cows

These two cows were cloned in 1998 and duplicated several thousand times in Japan.

Mira the goat

Mira was cloned in 1998 and came from a US lab, it was a great success.

A family of pigs: Millie, Alexis, Christa, Dotcom and Carrel

These pigs were cloned by a US-based company in 2000.

Ombretta the mouflon

The successful cloning of this endangered animal (2000) exemplifies how cloning can rescue a species from the brink of extinction.

Tetra the rhesus monkey

The lab monkey world received the first clone in 2000. US-based Tetra is the first cloned monkeys that scientists could use as test subjects to learn more about diseases like diabetes.

Noah the Gaur

This is an Asian wild ox whose numbers are dwindling. Cloned in 2001, Noah only lived for two days before dying of dysentery.


A white rabbit was cloned in 2001 and its 30 clones wasn’t given a cute name.

Copy Cat (CC)

Cloned in 2001, this cat was the starting point for a pet-cloning process that can become an industry.

Idaho Gem

Mules are sterile–unless you clone them, as proven by Idaho Gem, the pride of a 2003 American research team.

Prometea the Horse

An Italian team produced Prometea in 2003. They hoped to produce more Italian stallions, but their attempts failed. Prometea birthed her own in 2008.

Ditteaux the African wildcat

Although African wildcats aren’t endangered, US scientists cloned one in 2003 as a sort of template for cloning other, more vulnerable animals.

Dewey the deer

This white tail, cloned at Texas A&M University in 2003, is one of those clones lacking a solid premise. His ilk are some of the most abundant game in North America; still, scientists say clones could be used to research deer genes and produce better deer stock for hunters.

Libby and Lilly, Ferrets

These ferrets, cloned in 2004, almost beg another “why the heck did you do that?” It turns out that ferrets are very useful for studying human respiratory diseases, and some types are endangered.

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