10 Of The Most Unique Pets You Could Have

1. Fennec Fox

Although most foxes usually make bad pets, the Fennec fox is an excellent pet to own. This cute desert animal tends to be small (they are smaller than cats) and smart. You can even housetrain your Fennec fox to use a litter box.

2. Capybara
While the capybara is a rodent, it is nothing like a guinea pig or hamster. The capybara grows up to 4 feet long and weighs more than a hundred pounds. However, capybaras are the high maintenance animals and they need plenty of room and a pond or pool.

3. Miniature Donkey

The miniature donkey is cute and fuzzy, but if you decide to own this unusual pet, be ready to buy at least two miniature donkeys. The thing is, mini donkeys like company and they can’t stand loneliness. They are usually at least 3 feet tall and weigh over 300 lbs. Miniature donkeys are great with children and they pose no threat.

4. Hedgedog

Despite their spines, hedgehogs are incredibly friendly and they can become extremely affectionate with their owners. Hedgehogs make perfect pets since they’re calm and low maintenance, though they require lots of attention, especially when they’re small.

5. Skunk

Surprisingly enough, a skunk makes an excellent pet, of course, if you have their scent glands removed. A pet skunk is easy to look after and this adorable animal requires little care. Skunks are playful and they can entertain themselves with different toys.

6. Spotted Genet

Spotted genets are originally from Africa, and they are great pets for those who love independent animals. Since the spotted genet is considered to be an exotic pet, you might not be able to have one as a pet in your area. Spotted genets are very skittish and they do best in a home where they’re the only pet.

7. Pygmy Goat

If you don’t want to own a miniature donkey, maybe you’ll want to have a pygmy goat. Although pygmy goats are high maintenance pets, they are extremely fun and active!

8. Sugar Gliders

They are incredibly playful, loyal and they can be taught numerous tricks. The sugar glider is one of the best exotic pets for both families with older children and singles. Keep in mind that sugar gliders are nocturnal by nature and they like to stay up at night.

9. Tarantula

Giant spiders are certainly unique and they can make good pets. However, it’s important to find out which species must be kept in tanks. The Mexican red knee and curly hair tarantulas make great pets. Tarantulas feed on live insects and they are not a good pet for the squeamish.

10. Boa Constrictors

Snakes are not the perfect pets, but boa constrictors are much friendlier than any other snake. Boa constrictors are amazing and quite safe animals to have as pets. The huge problem is their size – boa constrictors grow very large. Before buying one, make sure you have plenty of space.

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