The Most Incredible Animals Of Madagascar

Madagascar is the oldest island on the planet. All this time in isolation has allowed strange and fascinating plants and animals to evolve there that aren’t found anywhere else on earth. But this richness is under threat, with hard-hitting consequences for both wildlife and people.

For nearly 30 years Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust has focused on protecting the most threatened species and habitats in this extraordinary island nation. However, rural communities on the island also depend on these same ecosystems for their livelihood. So our approach is based on empowering these communities to lead in the protection of their local environment and the species that share it. We do this by setting up community patrols. We know this approach works, but it’s a long road and the area is vast. We need your help to expand the patrols, which will help us protect even more of Madagascar’s extraordinary wildlife, people and habitats.

The Alaotran gentle lemur is one of the many species benefiting from the protection of the community patrols

Take the Alaotran gentle lemur, for instance. It’s one of the rarest primates on earth and is only found in the reed beds around Lake Alaotra. Deforestation and agricultural expansion are destroying its habitat but Durrell’s community patrols are working tirelessly to protect the remaining marshlands-this unique animal’s only home. We need more patrols, to cover more ground and protect more species. With your support, we can make this happen.

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