20 Creepy Animal Facts That Will Haunt Your Mind

1. Hippos kill more people in Africa than lions, elephants, leopards, buffaloes, and rhinos combined.

2. There is a total of 200 million insects for every human being on Earth right now.

So if, by any chance, you’re afraid of cockroaches, giant spiders, red ants or anything like that, voila!

3. Next time you think that ocean surfing is safe because sharks are far away, know that a shark can smell blood in the water up to 3 miles away.

4. But do not fear! Statistics say that a person is more likely to be killed by a bee than a shark! Have a nice spring!

5. Have you considered getting a lizard as a pet? Some horned lizards can shoot blood from their eyes to attack their enemy.

6. According to a Hindu ritual, people can throw the corpses of their loved ones into the Ganges River (India). Today, this habit is still put in practice by the poor families who can’t afford a funeral.
Luckily for snapping turtles, who actually modified their stomach and mouths to become carnivore and eat the dead flesh on the bodies.

7. If you’re afraid of rats, do not ever go to Iran on holiday.
Thanks to the chemicals and local pollution, the rats here suffered genetic mutations that incresed their size dramatically. A rat here can weight about 11 pounds and some ar bigger than your usual cat.
In fact, these guys are so big and violent that Iranians had a team of professional snipers to get rid of them!

8. This golden dart frog seems cute. Wouldn’t you want to take a selfie with it if you saw it in the woods?
Probably not, because its venom is more than enough to kill 10 adults.

Also, the shadow of another frog in the background looks terrifying.

9. Naturally, snakes cannot fly.
However, they can jump in the air for about 330 feet, switch directions, make turns and land exactly on their pray. Have fun in the jungle!

10. Snow leopards can jump as far as 50 feet in one bound.

11. You think birds aren’t dangerous? A golden eagle can reach 150 miles/hour while diving at its prey.

12. Hurray, vampire fans! Vampire bats are as real as people and they actually do live only on blood.

Except that they don’t really look like Edward Cullen:

13. Wolves are as cute as dogs? Well, a wolf can eat up to 20 pounds of meat in one sitting. I bet your dog can’t do that!

14. As a defense mechanism, sea cucumbers spew portions of their internal organs through their anus.

Anything for survival, right?

15. Getting back to snakes, did you know that a cobra has enough venom to kill 20 people.. in one bite?

14. Most koalas are suffering from chlamydia (a sexually transmited, life-threatening disease).

15. Every group of meerkats has a dictator who decides upon the mating couples.
So basically, if a female is caught with another partner than the one established by the dictator, she can be killed.

17. What do you do when a crocodile attacks you? Well, you climb a tree and stay there until it leaves, right?
Fun fact: crocodiles can also climb trees.

18. A polar bear has to eat two-thirds of their annual food quanity in only 3 months.
So if you think that polar bears will eventually walk away from your tent…not going to happen.

19. A praying mantis can hit 10 times faster than the blink of a human eye.
That means that you literally can’t see it coming!

20. Lions usually sleep 20 hours per day. However, a lion can run for short distances at 50 mph and leap as far as 36 feet.

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