19 Animal Facts That Will Totally Blow Your Mind

#1. Male koalas have 2 penises and female koalas have 2 vaginas.

Imagine how much our population would grow if we started being this way too …

#2. When it’s born, a baby panda is smaller than a mouse with a weight of about 4 ounces.

#3. A hummingbird beats its wings about 80 times per second.

Meanwhile, I can barely get up in the morning

#4. Flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down.

#5. Female ferrets would die unless they find a partner to mate with when their mating season comes.

If the same happened to humans… RIP all forever alone gals!

#6. One gram of venom from a king cobra can kill 150 people.

Below, you can see a man taking a photo with a cobra. He wanted to beat his fear of snakes.


#8. A special species of jellyfish (Turritopsis Nutricula) can travel back to its child stage once it becomes adult so technically it never dies.

Forever young, it wants to be forever young …

#9. There are so many ants that each human on Earth would have about 1,000,000 of them.

#10. One bat can eat about 1,000 insects per hour.

#11. The size of a blue whale is about 3 Greyhound buses.

#12. Apparently, dogs have been humans’ best friends for about 14,000 years!

And for good reason…

#13. A pig’s orgasm can last a bit over 30 minutes.

You may eat them for dinner, but they’re far luckier

#14. When dolphins sleep, only half of their body falls asleep. The other half stays awake and makes sure that the dolphin comes up for air so it won’t drown.

#15. Snails can sleep for up to 3 years at once.

That’s a quality some humans may master as well

#16. A chameleon’s tongue is as long as its body.

#17. The teeth of a beaver never stop growing. Like ever. This is one of the reasons they need to chew wood all the time.

#18. A cheetah can go from 0 to 60 miles/hour in just a few seconds.

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