10 Funniest Looking Animals on Earth

Photo by Kacper Fijalkowski from shutterstock.com

Animals are incredible, they are smart, some of them even more intelligent than we are, they are adorable, and they contribute in their ways to help the environment.

There are a lot of things that are still a mystery to us regarding the animal kingdom, but each day we learn something new about it and we are not disappointed.

There are incredible hybrids, some animals have their rituals, and so on. But there are a few rare species of animals that are beyond incredible, let’s take a look and see which ones we are talking about:

1. The tufted deer

Oh, deer! The tufted deer looks like a normal deer but has fangs sticking out of its mouth! The Dracula of the animal kingdom! They mostly live in China and can also be found in Myanmar.

Photo by Eric Isselee from shutterstock.com

2. The naked mole-rat

The naked mole-rat looks…interesting to say the least. They are also known as a sand puppies. The lack of fur, however, isn’t affecting the way they feel pain. The naked mole-rat looks so funny we have no words to describe it.

Photo by Joshua Davenport from shutterstock.com

3. The Sunda Colugo

The Sunda Colugo lives only in trees, has big eyes, and looks as adorable as a Chihuahua. They are small and straight-up adorable! They are very popular in Asia and it’s the second species of the flying lemur (it’s not an actual lemur and it cannot fly, so we don’t know where the connection comes from).

Photo by mspoint from shutterstock.com

4. The Zebra Duiker

It’s a small antelope that developed stripes on its body and it helps with camouflage against predators. Because of their loss of habitat these animals are considered to be vulnerable, but not yet close to extinction.

Photo by Alena Masharova from shutterstock.com

5. The gerenuk

The gerenuk can be found in Africa and it’s well known for its unique appearance. It’s an antelope with the limbs and the neck of a giraffe!

Photo by Michal Sloviak from shutterstock.com

6. The Gobi Jerboa 

If we would have to name the most adorable one it would be this cute creature! Looks like a mouse, but with HUGE ears. The Gobi Jerboa and Dumbo could easily pass as relatives.

Photo by JayDM from shutterstock.com

7. The Tarsier

To be truthful with you we can’t decide between adorable and a little bit spooky. His eyes are as big as 16 mm. He mostly lives in trees and his fingers are VERY long.

Photo by mspoint from shutterstock.com

8. The pink fairy armadillo 

They look like a mole who had glued a shell onto their upper body part. They are also known as sand-swimmers for their incredible strength with which they can dig underground.

Photo by javarman from shutterstock.com

9. The aye-aye

These are long-fingered lemurs who, either you believe it or not, turned out to be extinct in 1933 and resurfaced in the 1950s! Their appearance can be a little bit frightening (especially if you encounter one at night!). However, they are harmless!

After all, you know how the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover!

Photo by Morphart Creation from shutterstock.com

10. The superb bird of paradise 

This bird of paradise may look like a normal bird, but it has a cape on its back, and they show it off, just like peacocks do! What’s quite interesting about the species is the fact that the females are very rare so the mating process can turn into a true ”hunt”.

Final Word

We live in a world full of wonders and interesting facts and one of the main aspects that make our world a bit more fascinating is the Animal Kingdom. We are surrounded by incredible creatures, some of them even manage to outsmart us.

We sometimes tend to underestimate animals, their skills and intelligence, thinking about humankind as the superior race, however, there are times when we couldn’t be more wrong!

If you like this article, you can also check this one out: 10 Hybrid Animals You Won’t Believe Actually Exist.

A. I.:
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