Categories: Pets

7 Of The Most Beautiful Cat Facts You Should Know

1. They Are More Commited Than You Think

A cat is not going to stop hanging out with you for the new boy that they are seeing, or get mad at you for not hanging out with them enough. Cats are loyal creatures, and even after a long day of work when you come home crabby and mad at them for not using the litter box, they will still be there rubbing up against your leg and purring you back to a happy state. It’s also a known fact that cats have an amazing memory, and will still remember how much they like you after long periods of time go by. 

2. Cats Are Surprisingly Similar To Humans

Cats come in all different shapes and sizes (big, small, fat, skinny, long tail, short tail, long hair, short hair), and are all different colors as well. But not only do they all look different like humans, each cat has their own personality as well. Some are lazy and just want to watch Netflix all afternoon. Some are motivated and try 20 hours straight to get that last cookie out of your cookie jar. Some cats truly enjoy the company of people and can be considered social butterflies, while some are introverted and do not feel the need to attend parties every weekend. See what I mean? So human-like.

3. Cats Give Health Benefits To Their Owners

A research scientist from the University of Buffalo wanted to know how pet ownership would affect blood pressure. He took a large sample of both men and women and tracked their blood pressure over a period of time, and all participants were non-smokers. During the study, random participants were asked to adopt a pet. Those who did had much lower blood pressure levels, and also found that their new pets lowered their stress levels better than medication ever did.

4. There Will Be No ‘Spills’ On the Floor

Cats use litter boxes. This is a wide known fact, yet it is so overlooked. With a cat, you do not need to worry about forgetting to let it outside, and you don’t need to pay someone to let your cats out to use the bathroom while your away on vacation. Also, you won’t have to replace that new basement carpet you just installed. So to summarize, you’re saving a ton of money just by owning a cat.

5. Cats Clean Themselves (Very Well)

Cats lick themselves clean! You do not need to worry about them smelling weird or looking homeless, because they actually have a sense of personal hygiene. Look at it like this, parents spend YEARS trying to get their teenage boys to put deodorant on and shower every day, but when you own a cat you simply don’t have to try. It’s a beautiful gift. Also let’s keep in mind that because cats like to be clean, they won’t track a mess in your house.

6. Your Cat Will Never, Ever Judge You

Cats lick themselves clean! You do not need to worry about them smelling weird or looking homeless, because they actually have a sense of personal hygiene. Look at it like this, parents spend YEARS trying to get their teenage boys to put deodorant on and shower every day, but when you own a cat you simply don’t have to try. It’s a beautiful gift. Also let’s keep in mind that because cats like to be clean, they won’t track a mess in your house.

7. There Will Be No Mice Bothering You. Ever.

Remember that long-term feud between Tom and Jerry? Your cat will probably have its very own Jerry to chase around, but the good news is you will never have to see it. Unless your cat decides to bring it to you as a gift (they are just that thoughtful). But not only do cats help hunt mice, they hunt bugs, moths, lizards, and other things you just do not want running around your obviously well-kept apartment. And hey, you’ll save money on an exterminator.

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