Categories: Pets

Veggies Your Dog Can Eat Too

Even if you’re not keen on eating your vegetables, your dogs will be. Plus, they provide nutrients with minimal calories. However—as with humans—dogs can have adverse reactions to certain foods, even if they are supposedly good for them.

‘It’s important to know that dogs can have food intolerances just like people, causing gastrointestinal upset or even an allergic reaction,’ Dr. Ryan says. Be sure to monitor your dog and check with your vet if you’re questioning whether to introduce a food into her diet.


Carrots are wonderful snacks for your pup. Purina says that dogs can eat carrots several ways: raw, cooked, or even with the green tops still on them. But remember, they’re just a small part of your pet’s complete diet.

Green beans

Green beans are the full package, according to Rover.com: They’re a great source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C, and K, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, iron, and potassium. In fact, green beans are so healthy for dogs that some people make a sizeable portion of their fur baby’s daily food regimen. Just remember not to add salt or seasoning.


This vegetable has plenty of fiber, which can be good for a dog’s digestive health. As a snack, cooked asparagus is perfectly safe for dogs. Just don’t give Fido the raw version: It can be difficult for him to digest.


Spinach is rich in antioxidants, iron, and vitamin K. That’s what makes it so healthy for humans and a potentially beneficial part of your dog’s diet. According to Rover.com, spinach can boost your dog’s immune system and energy levels, making for an all-around healthier pet.


Vets often recommend pumpkin when a dog is constipated or has other digestive issues. Give your dog some canned pumpkin with their kibble to keep their digestive system running smoothly. Look the organic kind, recommends Dr. Ryan, and ‘be sure it’s not pumpkin pie mix to avoid the spices. Also check with your veterinarian to see how much pumpkin he or she recommends, as too much can cause diarrhea.’

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