Check Out These 17 Stunning Animal World Records

#1 Longest Ears On a Dog
Harbor, an 8-year-old dog from Colorado, entered the Guiness World Record for the Longest Ears on a Living Dog. His left ear has 12.25″ and the right one has 13.5”.

#2 World’s Fastest Tortoise
Bertie from North Carolina is the fastest tortoise the world has ever seen, with an average speed of 0.6 miles per hour.
This is twice faster than an average tortoise’s speed, which means that Bertie can finish a 100m race in just 6 minutes!

#3 Most Basektballs Slam-Dunked By a Parrot
Zac is a 25-year-old parrot from California who owns the Guiness World Record for the most basketballs slam-dunket by a parrot.
The parrot, who has been trained since birth, can can also bike, scooter, roll over and raise a flag.

#4 World’s Longest Snake in Captivity
At 7.67 meters (25′ 2″) long, Medusa, a Reticulated Python owned by Full Moon Productions in Kansas City, Missouri, is the longest snake ever kept in captivity.
The 8-year-old snake now lives in a hounted house and its favorite foods are rabbits, deer and hogs.

#5 World’s Tiniest Cow
In 2014, this six-year-old cow, known as Manikyam, was confirmed as the world’s shortest by the Guinness World Records team.
Standing at just 61.5cm tall, Manikyam smashed the previous record of 69.07cm.

#6 Largest Eyes on a Dog
Bruschi is a 4-year-old black and white Boston Terrier, who lives with his owner, Victoria Reed, and her other Boston Terrier, Toby, in Texas.
He holds the Guinness World Record for “dog with the largest eyes” which measure 28mm in diameter!

#7 Most Venomous Animal
This sea wasp is the world’s most venomous animal.
Found in coastal waters from Australia to the Philippines and Vietnam, this box jellyfish is thought to have enough venom to kill as many as 60 humans.

#8 World’s Tallest Dog
Giant George from Tucson, Arizona, is the tallest dog in the wrold, measuring 43 inches (1,09 meters).
The dog is already an internet sensation and his owner, David Nasser, even wrote 2 books on the topic!

#9 Fastest Walker on Water
This South-African lizard can reach a speed of 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) running bipedally on water before sinking. This means a distance of approximately 4.5 meters (14 ft 9 in)!

#10 Longest Human Tunnel Traversed By A Skateboarding Dog
The 3-year-old pooch valiantly skated through the legs of 30 humans, who stood with their feet apart to allow Otto to pass freely through without being led or touched.

#11 Longest Domestic Cat Alive
Ludo the Maine Coon from Wakefield in South Yorkshire measures a whopping 118.33 cm (3 ft 10.59 in) long
Luckily, he doesn’t have any health issues and loves to sleep just as any other cat.

#12 Longest Fur On a Rabbit
The longest fur on a rabbit is 36.5 cm (14.37 in) and belongs to Franchesca, owned by Betty Chu (USA), as measured in Morgan Hill, California, USA, on 17 August 2014.

#13 Oldest Pig Ever
Ernestine is a pig currently living in Atlanta who was officially declared the oldest pig to have ever lived.
Soi far, he is 22 years and 359 days old.

#14 Most Tricks Performed By a Cat In 1 Minute
This special world record belongs to Didga, from Australia, a regular domestic cat that performed 24 different tricks in just one minute. See it for yourself below:

#15 Longest Tail On a Dog
Keon is a dog from Belgium who was born so lucky that he entered the Guiness World Record Book for having the longest tail: 76.8 centimetres (30 inches)!

#16 Shortest Donkey In The World
Kneehi is a Mediterranean donkey currently living in Florida and he was registered as the shortest donkey alive at just 64.2 cm (25.29 in).

#17 Largest Snail In The World
This African Giant Snail is called this way for a good reason. The largest snail alive measures 39.3 cm (15.5 in) in length and its shell length is 27.3 cm (10.75 in).
Wouldn’t want that to show up at your house!

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