11 Poisonous Foods For Your Cat

Photo by Impact Photography from shutterstock.com

When it comes to your cat you want to make sure they have the best life possible and that also means giving them the best food there is. We tend to always give them the best and most delicious pet food and we sometimes even spoil them with some treats.

However, we must be careful with the treats we give them because some foods turn out to be poisonous for your cat and you may not even know it. There are a few aliments that may seem so harmless, you wouldn’t have guessed it can hurt your kitty.

Let’s see what those foods are:

Photo by LariBat from shutterstock.com

1. Onion

Feeding onion to your cat can be potentially dangerous due to the fact that it affects their red blood cells which can cause anemia. This usually happens when they are being fed large quantities, , Especially if they are exposed to concentrated forms of onion such as onion soup mix or anything of the sort.

If they show signs of lethargy, weakness, reduced appetite, or pale gums, then you should take them to the vet immediately.

2. Same about garlic

It’s the same thing with garlic and garlic mix or garlic soup, it can affect your cat in the same way, unfortunately.

3. Raw eggs

It’s the same for them as it is for us humans. If they happen to consume raw eggs they can end up with salmonella or E. coli. You should be careful because, besides the fact that they will get sick, it’s transmissible to you as well.

Signs of it can include vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.

4. It’s also the case for raw meat

What we previously said about raw eggs can happen if they also eat raw meat so make sure you don’t give them any.

5. Bones

They can choke on bones, injure their digestive tract and damage their teeth in the process. They are not dogs after all.

6. Chocolate 

Chocolate can be deadly for dogs that’s true, but did you know that it’s just as bad for cats? The substances that the chocolate contains can cause a lot of harm to the kitty’s internal organs, including seizures.

Don’t make the mistake to think that darker chocolate is better because it’s even more toxic!

Photo by Grit_M02 from shutterstock.com

7. Caffeinated drinks

The same substance found in chocolate that causes them harm can also be found in some beverages that contain caffeine.

8. Alcohol

If it wasn’t obvious until now, DO NOT GIVE ALCOHOL TO YOUR PET! They can become sick and show signs of vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, disorientation, trouble breathing, coma, and eventually, they can die.

9. Raw dough

Raw dough causes expansion of the stomach, or it can ferment in your cat’s belly, turning into alcohol. If you believe they ingested raw dough or alcohol, take them to the doctor immediately.

10. Milk and other dairies

Milk and other dairy-based products cause them to have an upset stomach and even diarrhea. Because of the fact that they are only used to drinking their mother’s milk from a young age and for only a few weeks, their body is not prepared for more milk than their mothers have been giving them.

11. Grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins can cause them to become ill very fast. If their immune system is weak, it can lead to kidney failure. There’s usually a fast reaction that comes along with this 12 hours after they eat it, they will start vomiting.

If you ever suspect that they ate grapes or raisins, take them to the doctor ASAP.

If you found this article useful here’s another one that may interest you: These 12 Plants Are Poisonous For Your Cat!

A. I.:
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