When it’s true love, it doesn’t matter how uncomfortable you are!That’s right, guys. He’s all mine now!Here’s the proof that the heart matters more than looks!No, honey, YOU are the most beautiful!Friends who share your sadness are real friends.This first romantic date ended well!This is what I call a wet kiss!My lady, may I have this dance?Now this looks like the most romantic date ever..Was it a surprise kiss or not?Now these guys really know how to get close to each other..I don’t care if it’s real or not, he is MY friend!Oh, dear, what a romantic spot to..fall asleep!Brothers play together and hunt together!After a long day of playing with your best friend..Okay, I hugged him. Now what can I do?This is cute, but I feel like there’s something wrong with my neck..When you see your silly friend after a long time.I could get used to this kind of hug!This must be the most romantic pig I’ve ever seen!Trying to love somebody without hurting them (literally)Oh, darling, you’re so romantic tonight!Family comes first, even for these white fellas!When you have that friend who annoys you, but you still love him at the end of the day..Dog, getting on my back was difficult enough – now smile at the camera!Don’t worry, son, they’ll know what a bear bite feels like pretty soon..Is this the right way to hug someone? Why doesn’t he hug me back?When you and your mate are ready to hunt.This must be the most photogenic mother-daughter hug..I wonder what does the one in the right think about..Honey, I love you but I’m just tired of all this hugging thing..okay?Everybody knows that hugs in the dark are more romantic.Nobody said that being romantic is easy!What is this kitten-joke doing to me?When two partners become one!