Categories: Pets

9 Rare Cat Breeds You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

photo by Seregraff / Shutterstock

In this world, there are many people who think that cats are the most beautiful animals in the world! However, there are feline breeds that you won’t easily encounter. They are the result of cross breeding that turns them into perfect pets.

Cats are undoubtedly one of the most beloved animals in the world, and some people are willing to spend a lot of money on certain breeds. An exotic cat, especially one that is very rare, can cost as much as a luxury car and not everyone has the possibility to maintain such a feline. Nevertheless, the best solution is to adopt one, because you are saving a life. 

These wonderful creatures are some of the most popular pets because they are cute, playful, mysterious and, in certain cultures, they are considered sacred. Read on to discover the most unusual cats form around the world!

Photo by Boyloso / Shutterstock

American Wirehair

The American Wirehair breed has become popular in the United States and Canada, but it is rare in other countries. The American Wirehair cat is friendly and quite playful. It is relaxed, cute, gentle and playful, and it likes to play with toys and various games with its owner. In general, it is not a lazy breed.

The fur of the American Wirehair breed doesn’t require much care. Like any other cat, this breed also needs regular vaccination, deworming and annual health checks.

Photo by Elisa Putti / Shutterstock

Norwegian Forest Cat

Norwegian Forest Cats love people for their company and affection. Sometimes they want a lot of attention, but other times they may seem very independent. They like to spend their time outdoors and they are well suited for hiking and hunting because it is said that these cats are excellent climbers. 

The Norwegian Forest Cat can make very interesting companions because they are extremely friendly and playful. This breed grows very slowly and may not reach maturity until the age of four.

Photo by Sarah Fields Photography / Shutterstock

Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau cat is loving and playful. It is said that they are extremely intelligent animals and they also like to learn new tricks. These cat breeds are ideal for families because they like affection and a lot of attention! Being very active, Egyptian Mau cats need some incentives such as toys or friends to play with, especially if you are going to leave them alone for a long time.

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Devon Rex

Devon Rex cats are described as ”monkeys in cat clothes” because of their absolute love of climbing, hanging on to the curtains, climbing your wallpaper and furniture! They are lively and lovely animals.

These cat breeds have more dog-like qualities, such as a huge appetite for playing with toys. Unlike most breed of cats, they can actually be trained quite easily. Moreover, these cats are very gentle and loving. They hate to get bored or to be alone.

Every cat is unique and has its own preferences, moods, and needs when it comes to food. However, cats are carnivorous and each of them must obtain 41 different and specific nutrients from their diet. So, choose wisely their food.

Photo by SV_zt / Shutterstock


The Sphynx cat is sociable, unassuming, loving and attentive. 

These cats often greet their owners when they come home and they are also very talkative.

Sphynx cats are very intelligent, playful and affectionate. They like to sleep under the blanket, because of their lack of hair. Their body temperature is a degree or two above the average of normal cats and they have a huge appetite to compensate for that heat loss. 

These cats cannot be left outside in the cold, they do not like to stand on cold surfaces and appreciate a warm house! If you want to take it outside you have to use sun protection for cats.

Photo by Michael Hahn / Shutterstock


There is a joke about the Chartreux cats, which says that they look like a “potato on toothpicks”, because of their robust body shape and thin legs. Their fur, which is very dense, has shades of blue and gray with silver spots. Cats of the Chartreux breed are known for their very good health and a robust resistance to disease. 

The Chartreux cat is also an accomplished hunter that makes light work of any mice that are unfortunate to find themselves in their territory. It is agile and energetic, but also has the characteristics of a good friend. Chartreux cats are a temperate, loyal and, above all, silent animal. The owners can barely feel its presence in the house.

Photo by Ivanova N / Shutterstock

Kurilian Bobtail

Because the Kurilian Bobtail cat has evolved into a skilled fisherman, most of these cats love water and can even jump in the bathtub with their owners. They are also always eager to play with any source of water. It is a beautiful cat, with a Bobtail and robust body, which gives it a rather thick constitution. The impression that everyone has when they see this cat is that they are the epitome of power and strength.

Kurilian Bobtail cats tend to have a friendly, trustworthy demeanor, along with a personality that is very affectionate while being smart at the same time.

photo by Seregraff / Shutterstock


Peterbald cats are very attached to humans and always sit happily on the couch. These cats have three types of fur: completely short, thin, fluffy like peach, or longer fur, which feels like a short, soft velvet.

They can get along very well with other cats, dogs, and children because they are generally very playful and affectionate. Peterbald cats will often choose a family member as a favorite, bonding with them and showing their entire devotion to it.

Photo by Ekaterina Krivtsova / Shutterstock

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail cat is friendly and extremely intelligent. It is said that this breed has a gentle temperament, one that can get along very well with other animals and loves the company of humans, especially kids. Some of them can learn tricks easily and need to be constantly entertained and stimulated. It’s a pretty talkative breed too. 

The Japanese Bobtail cat has a unique tail. When the cat is relaxed and feels in its element its tail looks like a rabbit’s. 

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