Categories: Pets

10 Most Affectionate Dog Breeds That Love to Cuddle

Photo by Romanova Anna / Shutterstock

If you have a dog as a pet, then you are really lucky, because this little creature can love you more than it loves itself and you are literarily its life. 

The truth is that nothing compares to an innocent soul that loves you unconditionally and accepts you with all imperfections. So, in this case, you have to take care of your pet and to protect it.

Your pet will never hurt you if you love and treat them right. If you do not know how to take care of an animal, then do not adopt one and let someone else have the opportunity to love it. Your dog can be a faithful friend, a great running buddy and the one that is happy for you no matter what you do. 

There are certain dog breeds that are more affectionate and human-loving than others, so click through to see the friendliest ones!  

Photo by Branislav Nenin / Shutterstock


Bulldogs have a unique personality, but they usually have an independent character as well. They are intelligent dogs, with a subtle Machiavellian tendency.

This little and adorable dog breed is an exceptional companion. It is very affectionate with its owner and children. Also, this dog breed is one of those that love children so much, and have patience with them and love to play all day. It will instantly want to be part of the family, which means that it will always be a good friend. 

The best training method is the one in which you use a lot of affection and kindness. Discipline, punishment or a raised voice will do nothing but upset him even more. Bulldogs are the most loving dogs.

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Brussels Griffon

These dogs are calm, intelligent, eager to learn new things, lively, cheerful, playful, curious and sociable. They are devoted to the owner, affectionate and playful with children, but suspicious of strangers. Moreover, it can get along very well with other animals, so do not worry about this if you have more pets.

Brussels Griffon needs constant attention and hugs, being a very good friend. Griffons are affectionate with their family and hate being left alone. When they are left alone, they will bark excessively. So, if you do not have enough time to cuddle and play with them then do not adopt this dog breed. 

Photo by Mary Swift / Shutterstock

Staffordshire and Pit Bull Terriers

Unfortunately, these dog breeds have a bad reputation, but with the right family, they can be the most affectionate and kind dogs in the world! With proper training and socialization, these dogs will become very good companions for children as well.

They are loving, gentle with people and devoted to their family. These dog breeds are extremely intelligent and they can easily learn the commands and tricks. Staffordshire and Pit Bull Terriers love to be surrounded by humans and to show affection. These dogs have a very friendly attitude with everyone, being extremely devoted and caring.

Photo by Pandas / Shutterstock


Newfoundland is one of the most appreciated dog breeds because it is friendly, brave, pacifist, intelligent, loyal, calm and affectionate. 

It rarely barks and is very protective of its family. This dog is very intelligent because it knows what is right and what is not, being very sociable and kind at the same time. Dogs, adults or children – they can all be its friends, but if they have no hidden intentions. These dogs love to cuddle and you have to give them affection constantly. 

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Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers have a friendly personality, being the perfect dogs for people who have children. 

These dog breeds are intelligent, patient, very affectionate with children and strongly attached to their family. Moreover, they can get along very well with other pets.

They love to learn new things, because they are very curious and eager to please, being easy to train. Labrador Retrievers can be your faithful friends and will do anything for their family.

Photo by Conrad Attard / Shutterstock

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an affectionate, intelligent and curious family dog, being friendly to everyone. So, it is a good companion for children and old people.  

These dogs do not bark excessively, but they will announce when the strangers arrive. Of course, they are not guard dogs, because they are very friendly to everyone.  

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels can get along very well with other animals, so do not worry if you have other pets. Being relatively small and having a pleasant temperament, they are good travel companions as well. This dog is affectionate and loves to cuddle, being obedient and devoted to its owner.

Photo by PITAKSUNTI / Shutterstock


All Chihuahuas are extremely loyal and very attached to their owner. They also love to cuddle and your attention. 

Moreover, these dog breeds like to be dressed, especially during the winter, because these little puppies do not withstand the cold. 

Chihuahua is an inexhaustible source of good disposition and happiness for their owners. With those big eyes and funny faces, they could make everyone smile.

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Bichon Frisé

These dogs are very affectionate with their family and can be a faithful friend, especially for children. Its positive personality can easily be observed.

Bichon Frisé is an independent, playful, and smart dog that constantly need your attention. These dogs have a cheerful and playful attitude, which is the defining characteristic of this breed. Nevertheless, it hates to be left alone, suffering from anxiety if it happens to be left without anyone around. 

Photo by Yuttana Jaowattana / Shutterstock


Due to their smart and charming character, pugs are very popular today as pets. It is a small race that does not need much movement to be happy. 

They are very friendly, smart and lively dogs that tend to become overweight. For this reason, a balanced diet is very important. Many pugs are very brave and playful and they can get along very well with other pets. Also, they are very affectionate with children and love to cuddle. 

Photo by Elayne Massaini / Shutterstock


It is a loyal, intelligent, fearless, affectionate and loving dog. Collie is a great dog for a family, because it loves people unconditionally, being very patient and loving with children. These dog breeds are very attached to the people they love and they hate to be left alone for a long time. They can get along very well with other animals, but they will always choose the people’s company. 

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