Categories: Pets

8 Dog Breeds That Like Spending Time With Cats

Photo by Chendongshan from shutterstock.com

Photo by kobkik from shutterstock.com

…Have you ever wished to have a pup and a cat that get along and actually love each other?

The majority of us grew up thinking that dogs and cats are enemies. We’ve seen them running after one another, biting or scratching each other, and never sharing food. The relationship between these two cute and fluffy pets it’s so popular that many movies and cartoons were inspired by this, such as the beloved comedy series “Tom & Jerry”.

However, the truth is that some pooches actually like spending time with cats, regardless of popular beliefs. If you want to be the proud owner of a pup and a cat that are besties, you should know that there are a few dog breeds that are more likely to get along with cats due to their friendly or easy-going personality.

If this is something you find interesting, keep reading along with us to discover these 8 dog breeds that like spending time with cats.

Photo by Ilike from shutterstock.com

1. Beagle

Beagles don’t mind having cats’ company, especially since they were bred to hunt in packs. Who knows, maybe they see cats as being part of their group? These pups are all about teamwork, so don’t be surprised if you notice your Beagle team up with your tiny cat to do some things around the house.

These pooches are very sociable, and they will make everyone in the house laugh and have a good time when they’re around. So don’t worry, you won’t have a fighting Tom and Jerry at home!

2. Golden Retriever 

Golden Retrievers are one of the best dogs for cats, and their friendships are really cute! They are very kind, gentle, and empathetic, and it’s very easy for them to become friends with anyone, even with fancy cats that don’t really like company.

However, in order to be sure that there won’t be any problems between them, it’s better to train the pup to not chase the cat early on. Once that’s settled, we’re sure that your Golden Retriever and your kitty will be a perfect match!

3. Bichon Frise 

Even though Bichon Frises are quite stubborn when you don’t give them something they want, they will make good playmates with cats. They are generally happy and entertaining, and they like to play a lot.

However, if your kitty is not very sociable and they prefer to be left alone, it might not get along with the pup’s happy and outgoing personality. But if the cat seems to enjoy the pooch’s company or even partake in some activities together, they will become best friends in no time!

4. Boston Terrier

Generally, Terriers and cats don’t seem to like each other very much, but the Boston Terrier is an exception to the rule. They like to play with cats and to be petted by them (as long as they’re gentle).

But there might be times when the pup will get bored, and they will like to chase the cat for a little while. Don’t worry, though. This is usually just a type of entertainment, nothing serious or dangerous.

Boston Terriers and cats will make good friends due to the fact that this dog breed is polite to animals in general, and they’re also very good-tempered.

Photo by Africa Studio from shutterstock.com

5. Pug 

Pugs are so cute and friendly that it’s almost impossible to think that they won’t get along with cats! They like to lounge around and just be lazy (just like kitties do), so you won’t have to worry that they will chase the poor cat and scare them.

Both Pugs and kitties love attention, so they will more likely play with one another while their favorite humans are out of the house. This dog breed has such a sweet nature that they are completely okay and safe around small animals as well, including guinea pigs.

6. Labrador Retriever 

The cheerful Labrador Retriever loves to cuddle and spend their time with kitties. They are very gentle with animals and people in general, especially with children, and they will make friends with cats in no time.

These pups are not jealous at all, and they don’t have a problem with sharing their space with someone else. However, they have a condition: the cat must be okay with sharing their space with them as well. Otherwise, there’s no equality!

7. Shetland Sheepdog

Even though the Shetland Sheepdog is a member of the Herding Group, they are known for getting along with cats. They’re friendly and smart, and they don’t have a problem living under the same roof as cats.

When they get bored, these pups tend to be noisy so that someone might hear them and give them attention. So having a cat to play with and keep them company might prevent them from getting talkative!

8. Maltese

The Maltese are small pups that will surely be very kind to the cat, especially because they are more preoccupied with being lazy on the couch rather than driving the cat crazy. However, if the cat takes advantage of their easy-going personality, they might get angry, especially if the kitty plays with this pooch’s long hair.

Therefore, you have to make sure that you teach the cat that this pup’s hair is not a toy, and you’ll have no problem with these two cute furballs!

…If you enjoyed reading this article, make sure to check this one out as well: 8 Reasons Why Cats Are Always Cleaning Themselves!

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