Categories: Pets

7 Reasons Why Veterinarians are True Heroes

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According to statistical data from recent years, many vets are struggling with depression after they graduate and unfortunately some of them resort to suicide. A recent study done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that more than one in six vets might think of suicide after graduation. 

“We have all lost at least one colleague to suicide,” says Heather Loenser, DVM, the veterinary advisor of professional and public affairs for the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). “Everyone’s aware of it, but no one really talks about,” said Ron Del Moro, Ph.D., a licensed clinical counselor at the University of Florida’s Veterinary Hospitals.

That being said, we should be grateful that there are those people who can help and save our animals and we should thank them for their work.

So, here are some reasons that veterinarians are true heroes. Read on to find out more!

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They are perfectionists 

Many vets are perfectionists, which means that they will always try their best to save your beloved furry friend. So, you should thank them for that. Sadly, saving animals can require a lot of resources, such as financial and time concerns and vets can’t do as much as they would like to do for these poor animals, so it can be frustrating for them. 

“I don’t know any non-perfectionist veterinarians. I’m sure they’re out there. I just don’t know them,” says Loenser. “You have these really highly intelligent people, driven people who are perfectionists who want to solve problems and heal everybody. It’s a tough job,” says Del Moro. “So many times our minds are the biggest problems that get in the way.”

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They make mistakes too

Well, they are humans as well and we all make mistakes, don’t we? So, you have to understand them even when something unexpected happens or things can go wrong in a case. In fact, failure is part of life and makes us real, contributing to our personal evolution. 

“Failure’s not necessarily something we were trained to be comfortable with,” says Loenser. “When things go wrong in a case—there’s an outcome that we weren’t anticipating or we were hoping didn’t happen, but it does. That’s really hard on us all the way down to the core of our beings.”

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They have to use euthanasia procedures

Euthanasia is a heartbreaking – but sometimes necessary – procedure that involves intentionally ending the life of an animal to relieve the pain of suffering. Some vets can handle these procedures without taking it too personally, but most of them end up feeling guilty or even depressed, especially when they are at the beginning of their career.

“Some people look at that as a viable alternative to having an animal suffer from a chronic disease. In that case, you’re truly alleviating suffering,” Loenser says. “Other veterinarians don’t look at it that way. They take it very personally when an animal has to be put to sleep.”

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They can develop small business stress

As you already know, there are many vets that run their own small businesses and it can be quite difficult sometimes, especially when you have to do all the work by yourself, such as managing the staff, saving animals, dealing with lack of promotion, paying a lease and taxes. So, they need your support and appreciation. 

“Veterinary schools are getting better at teaching basic business administration in schools. And then there are veterinarians that get MBAs,” says Loenser. “But that’s not still not the norm, and there’s still room for veterinary schools to better teach us how to run our businesses.”

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They have to interact with unreasonable clients

Working as a veterinarian can be a beautiful job that offers them the opportunity to save and help animals and see their evolution. But we have to admit that, sometimes, it can be a difficult task, especially when they have to interact with people who don’t want to understand their procedures, treatments, and recommendations. 

According to animal experts, one of the most stressful parts of being a vet is interacting with unreasonable people. “You’ve got these doctors who are doing the best they can with the information they have and sometimes you can’t satisfy the clients enough, ever,” says Del Moro.

The explanation is that people will get emotionally involved because they want to make their pets feel better again and may become skeptical in some cases because they are afraid of losing their furry comrades. 

“First and foremost, try to empathize with the doctor’s situation and how difficult it is. Whatever news you’re getting,” says Del Moro. “People forget that [vets] have feelings too. They too are impacted. They too got into this profession because they love animals. And no one wants to see the animal suffer.”

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They probably have a student loan debt

Many vets opted for a high student loan debt because they had to pay for various educational expenses. For some people, this is the only option to pay for college. According to a study conducted by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), the average veterinarian graduates from school owing $153,191 in student loans. Unfortunately, it can take veterinarians a long time to pay their debts after completing their studies.

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They don’t have a big salary

Even though they don’t have a big salary, they still try their best to save a lot of animals. In fact, vets often have to deal with relatively low starting salaries. “Even though veterinarians don’t go into this for the money, for my peers it’s frustrating when we see other professionals who have gone to school for a similar length that have a lot more stuff and freedom,” says Loenser.

However, it’s very important to show respect when you visit your vet and don’t forget to say ‘thank you’ – it can be more than enough. “Thanking face to face is always lovely,” says Loenser. “Some people might think we don’t need that, but that’s nice to hear.”

You can also donate if you can. “They gave a donation to my vet school in my name for taking care of their animal. That was huge to me,” says Loenser.

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They can understand your financial problems

If you don’t have enough money to buy your pet’s treatment you should tell your med about your financial problems, as they can help you find another cheaper alternative that has the same effects. 

“We really try to give accurate estimates. Feel free to go over them with us,” says Loenser. “When it comes to the point when you’re checking out of the hospital [make sure] you’re not surprised and then angry.”

In addition, you can help them by posting a positive review on social media. “Posting a great review really means the world to us,” says Loenser. “We love to see positive reviews.”

Moreover, many people don’t want to listen to their vets when it comes to following their dog’s treatment, and this is a common mistake. “We feel heard. We’re saying this because we care about your animals. We believe in what we’re recommending,” says Loenser.

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