Categories: Pets

16 Awkward and Hilarious Moments Every Dog-Owner Knows

Photo by Rita_Kochmarjova from shutterstock.com

Photo by anjajuli from shutterstock.com

There’s something magical about the bond between a pooch and his owner. Whether you’re playing fetch in the park, laying on the couch while scratching your pup’s stomach, exploring new places together, sharing photos or videos of them on social media, teaching them tricks, or running together around your neighborhood, there’s something truly unique about all of these activities.

Whatever you and your pooch like to do together, your pup is loyal to the core, and spending time with you is definitely one of their favorite things to do.

However, this thing goes the other way around as well. You feel so close to your dog, that there are times when you forget that they don’t talk or can’t give you the feedback you want, but you still treat them like they are your best friends that support you no matter what.

We wanted to discover more about this special bond between a pup and their owner, so we’ve talked to several people about some of the most awkward and hilarious moments in their lives as dog owners. If you want to discover them, click on the next page!

With that being said, here are 16 awkward moments every dog owner knows.

Photo by New Africa from shutterstock.com
  • constantly pulling your pup’s hair off of your clothes (especially dark-colored ones) or your sheets;
  • spending a lot of money on dog food, treats, toys, and fluffy beds, and then you make jokes about how your pup lives better than you (and sometimes it’s not just a joke);
  • allowing them to take a bite directly from your silverware and not even being fazed about it (at the end of the day, they are your babies, right?);
  • spending a lot of money on a fluffy bed so that your pooch can be comfy and warm, but you still let them sleep in your bed and they take up all of your space (but you love them, so it’s okay to sleep in a tight corner);
  • kissing your pup on the mouth and then realizing it’s actually a bit gross;
  • saying “sorry” over and over again while giving them a bath or cutting their nails. But you’re actually laughing on the inside because they’re so dramatic;
  • spending a lot of money on scented candles and air fresheners because you don’t want your house to have a kennel smell;
  • sharing your meal with them, even though you bought them a lot of dog food and treats;
  • noticing that there are some well-mannered dogs in the park, while yours is misbehaving and causing a mess. And if that’s not enough, other dog owners laugh at you when you scream “Come here!!” to your pup, but they actually run away from you;
  • there are times when your pooch is so excited about their walk, that they start walking very fast or even running, and it looks like you are the one that is being taken out for a walk;

Photo by Jus_Ol from shutterstock.com
  • that weird moment when you’re outside with your pooch and strangers come to pet your pup, but no one actually addresses YOU, so you just have to sit there patiently, waiting for them to leave;
  • another awkward moment that every dog owner will relate to is when you’re out and about with your pup. But your pup sees another pooch, and runs towards them, and they start sniffing one another, while you and the other owner have to keep a small conversation, waiting for your dog’s investigation to be over;
  • introducing your pet to your friends and all your pooch can think about is how to sniff each one of them from top to bottom;
  • one of the most awkward moments that can happen in the life of a dog owner is when you have guests over and your pup greets them by humping their legs. Not one of the most pleasant experiences, if you ask me…
  • realizing that all the rules and boundaries you’ve set, such as no begging for food, not sleeping in your bed, and no dog on the couch are all in vain because your dog knows that you love them and they know that you won’t get very mad;
  • discovering that your pup can and will do a lot of things you might not want, such as drinking water from your glass, eating off of your plate, opening your underwear drawer, climbing on counters for food, and stealing treats, just to name a few.

…Have any of these ever happened to you? We’re sure it’s a funny story, so share it with us by leaving a comment in the section down below! 

…If you enjoyed reading this article and you want to move along to something else, check this out as well: 7 AMAZING Pictures of Dog Breeds With Different Eye Colors!

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