Dating a Dog Owner: 7 Things You Need to Know

Photo by Syda Productions from shutterstock.com

Photo by JLCo Ana Suanes from shutterstock.com

…Have you ever dated a dog owner?

Despite the fact that dating is really complicated nowadays (think of date ideas, gifts, fights), this doesn’t mean that you should let go of your desire of finding someone to spend all of your life with.

Maybe you’ve found someone who has a funny and bubbly personality, who is loving, affectionate, nice, smart, and talented, and who also is a dog owner.

You might think that it’s not going to be such a big deal, especially if you like pups as well, but there are a few things you should be aware of before dating someone who absolutely adores their pet.

Here are 7 things you should pay attention to.

Photo by SeventyFour from shutterstock.com

1. Things can easily get messy 

Anyone who owns a dog knows that they might have too much energy at times, which means making the whole house messy: torn-up shoes, a knocked-over trashcan, a sloppy couch, or hairs everywhere.

Dog parents know how to handle situations like this and how to make their pups behave, but it might not be the same with you. Dog owners usually have a lot of patience, which might be great for your potential relationship.

However, if they bring their dog over and they turn your home into a hot mess, you should pay attention to the way they address the situation. Keep in mind that you should try to be patient, calm, and understanding.

2. Dogs might say “no” to romantic moments 

Dogs might not care about your romantic gestures, especially when they crave their owner’s attention. When you’re going in for a hug or a kiss, the pup might lick your foot and jump between you two.

And when you sleep over, they might chew a hole in one of your clothing pieces, or even jump on top of you, because that’s their sleep place. They’re just being themselves, so you better learn how to turn any awkward situations into something that is worth laughing at!

3. Dog owners spend a lot of money on their furry friends 

If you think that men need a lot of money to get their haircuts and their beards done by a pro, dogs require even more! It’s quite expensive to be a dog owner if you think about it.

They require several resources to go to the vet, get groomed, eat, play, and so many other things. You shouldn’t be offended if your future partners spend more money on their dog’s fluffy bed instead of your birthday present!

Photo by Boryana Manzurova from shutterstock.com

4. They can’t be very spontaneous 

The majority of dog owners have to plan their romantic getaways or their adventures in advance. That is because having a pup is like having a child.

They have to be prepared with all sorts of things, such as who is going to be in charge of their furry babies if they can’t take them along, what the dogs are going to eat, and so many other things.

If you want to date a dog owner, you should take their pup into consideration every time you have a special date in your mind! Don’t think about this as a negative trait. Owning a dog takes a lot of responsibility and this is a quality that will benefit your relationship with them as well.

5. They’re really loving 

Dog owners love their little, furry, mess-making, food thieves, and cute dogs a lot and they are willing to put their dogs’ needs in front of theirs. It doesn’t matter how much of a mess the pup makes, they still love them completely.

Their ability and patience to love unconditionally will make you very happy in your relationship as well. At the end of the day, being truly loved and cared for by someone is one of the most beautiful things that you can experience.

6. They expect you to love their pup as much as they do 

When things get pretty serious between you and your partner, you can expect to receive massive amounts of videos and photos of their pup. And if you move in together, they will surely share their responsibilities regarding the pooch with you.

This means that you’ll have to feed the pup every day, take them out for a walk, play fetch in the park, and cuddle them all day long. Even though it might seem like a lot at first, hugging and playing with them will definitely make everything worth it.

7. Their phones are full of pictures with their pups 

I am sure you already know that dog owners love to take photos of their pups. Their pooch might be their home or lock screen. They’re so cute, fluffy, and adorable, that their snuggly faces will make the owner happy at any time.

…Do you agree with any of these things? Tell us in the comments down below! 

…If you like reading articles about pets, make sure to check this one out as well: 10 Things Dogs Can Sniff Out That Humans Can’t!

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