10 Dog Breeds With The Least Health Issues

Photo by Rala3030 from shutterstock.com

Just like humans, dogs are prone to a lot of health issues. It happens, it’s the circle of life after all. But when they get sick our world seems like it’s coming to an end, and it feels horrible. How can that be avoided?

Well, if you already have a dog then giving him a healthy lifestyle would be a good first step. But you must remember that it’s not always in our power to keep them away from sick days or health issues.

If you’ve thought about getting a pooch in your household and you are concerned about their health issues, you can get a breed with the least amount of health issues, such as the following breeds:

Photo by Jan Duplnszki from shutterstock.com

1. Australian Shepherd

Also known as the Aussie, these dogs are like a huge happy pill!

Their life expectancy is between 12 and 15 years. They are usually dogs of the West, living the good life at the farm, running, and being easily excited. Expect a happy life with this one and full of excitement.

Bear in mind that they don’t adjust well to apartment life, and they require a lot of exercise. So, make sure you have enough time to play with them, and take them on daily walks.

They are GREAT family companions, and if you were to ask us, their enthusiasm and joy are what makes them so healthy!

Photo by Jan Duplnszki from shutterstock.com

2. Basenjis

Straight out of Africa, these purebred dogs are amazing furry companions for your house. Small yet very energetic and healthy dogs would be the best words that would describe this breed.

They are also one of the few breeds that rarely bark. This can be another example of a dog that thinks they are way bigger than they actually are. Basenjis are also incredibly clever and adapt well to an apartment lifestyle. We don’t mind it though, it’s adorable!

Fun fact: In the past, due to its great sense of scent and sight, this breed was trained to hunt and control rodent situations in villages.

Photo by Przemek Iciak from shutterstock.com

3. Beagle

They live up to 15 years, and they like to play a lot and cuddle with their owners. Beagles have been a very popular choice among owners for the last couple of years, and looking at them we completely understand why!

What words would best describe a Beagle? Friendly, curious, and merry. Oh, and let us not forget, HEALTHY! Just like the rest of the dogs from this list, they are not prone to a lot of health issues.

However, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them to a vet once in a while to check on them. They also have pack instincts and it’s easy for them to become friends with other dogs and people.

Photo by Eudyptula from shutterstock.com

4. Belgian Malinois

This breed is a very intimidating one, and they are often used for protection. They live up to 15 years and don’t have many health issues. At least they are not prone to anything concerning.

If you are the confident and hardworking type of person, then this dog is a perfect match. The Malinois is also very smart and obedient.

However, bear in mind that they need early training so that they don’t act out or develop any kind of aggressive behavior. Don’t worry, though! The Belgian Malinois is VERY loyal, friendly with other people and dogs!

Your bond will be like no other.

Photo by Elayne Massaini from shutterstock.com

5. Border Collie

The average life span is 12 years old. They are very energetic and playful. The Border Collie is also one of the breeds that is the best for competing at dog shows and winning.

Because they keep themselves so active, they are not prone to many diseases, and are, generally, very healthy. But, their ears should be checked on a regular basis and their teeth should be brushed every day.

And make sure you don’t miss any appointments with the vet, even though they are in a good condition. Check-ups are always important, especially when it’s about your fluffy companion.

Photo by Rozaliya Lazarova from shutterstock.com

6. Dachshund

Also known as the ”wiener” because of its appearance, which we can’t deny it’s simply iconic. If they keep a daily routine of exercises and playtime, they could even make it to their 20th birthday!!!

That’s pretty impressive for a dog this small! The spunky and curious canine friend is a star among the pup kingdom because of its small-sized appearance, yet completely healthy body.

You should know: Keep them from becoming overweight because it can end up being damaging for their backs. A stable diet and a decent amount of exercise will help them maintain a good muscle tone.

Photo by Alexandra Morrison Photo from shutterstock.com

7. Greyhound

Their agile figure and quickness are among the things people admire most about them. In fact, due to their habits and exercise that runs in the breed’s blood, they are known for the least health issues and it’s rare for them to have any illnesses.

The Greyhound is quite the independent type, yet they are very gentle and noble. This breed is often referred to as the cheetah of the canine world, due to its agile body and impressive speed. Always keep them on a leash though because they do have a burning desire to run off in pursuit of prey.

Did you know? This breed is originally from Egypt.

Photo by TomRaiden from shutterstock.com

8. Pomeranian

Even though they are small that doesn’t keep them from being athletic. Exercising is what keeps them healthy. Their fur coat keeps them warm during cold walks, but if it gets too cold then you can play with them indoors as a substitute for their routine.

A Pomeranian will be very affectionate and will get along with just about everyone! This dog has a foxy face and quite a high-spirited attitude, which is why they are one of America’s favorites.

They will adjust well both in the city and in the suburbs. When it comes to tricks and games, they will master them, bringing their owner to tears with their silliness.

Photo by Robert Way from shutterstock.com

9. Shiba Inu

This incredibly energetic dog is also one of the breeds which you don’t have to worry about when it comes to health issues. Having said that, there is still one thing you should pay attention to, that being allergies.

Allergies are common in every dog breed, so you should take them to the vet whenever it’s necessary. Most of them develop allergies sometime after they turn 6 months old. But, there’s no need to worry, they can have normal lives just like humans.

The Japanese pooch has been in the U.S. for over 60 years. Owners are crazy about their fox-like appearance and, not gonna lie, so are we. Shiba Inus can adjust very well into your home and are very confident.

Photo from Shutterstock

10. Siberian Husky

The blue-eyed dog is an amazing furry friend. Just like the other breeds, they are completely loyal and will provide you with cuddles and a lot of love. Besides that, they also have little to NO health issues.

It’s unbelievable that they are so friendly, sociable, and loyal. They are better than humans! Sibes can’t help themselves when it comes to chasing small creatures, it’s hilarious. What’s very creative about these dogs is their natural cleanliness and the fact that they barely have any dog odors.

If you know more breeds without any health issues, feel free to share them down below in the comments.

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A. I.:
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