Categories: Pets

15 Times Cute Cats Were Our Apartment Overlords

One minute, we’re so content reclining on our sofa. The next, home envy strikes — bad. We’ll just be scrolling through our Instagram feed when we spot some fabulous feline lounging on an Eames chair with the perfect Shibori pillow. Do they have to flaunt their lady-of-leisure status so baldly?

Grudges aside, refinery29.com learned some lessons about apartment living from the fluffy queens of Insta. What can we say? From picture-perfect morning routines to ordering Seamless like a pro, the cats of Instagram are just that on point. Click through and let their wisdom — and sassy looks — wash over you.

When they spot your “Woke Up Like This” mug and raise you a death stare.

When you thought you were going to pull up to your counter with some oatmeal, but nobody has time for that.

When Seamless comes to your door, and your order’s messed up.

When you thought your sofa was for Netflix bingeing, but you had it all wrong.

When you tried to watch TV instead, but that didn’t work out either.

When you’re thinking about starting a blog, but realized your cats could do it better.

When you thought you were an organization pro, but your cat begs to differ.

You thought books were for reading, but your cat schooled you on that, too.

When Rihanna comes on Spotify.

When you thought you could get away for the weekend, but your cat has other plans.

When you can’t find your keys.

When your cat has the only green thumb in the family.

When your cat has the only green thumb in the family.

When you need a little help rearranging the living room.

When he sees you struggling to decide what to wear.

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