Categories: Pets

9 Rare Dog Breeds You Never Knew Existed

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Even if you love animals or you already have a pet, you may not have heard of all dog breeds. Some of them are older, but others have recently emerged, especially in the United States. However, the thing they have in common is that they are rare and unique. We are sure you will love them instantly when you meet them, so that’s why we invite you to click through the gallery to see them all!

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Australian Kelpie

The Australian Kelpie comes from a female Collie, that was brought from England to Australia around 1870 and it is considered the original mother of this breed. By mating with other breeds and most likely even with the wild dog Dingo, that’s how the Australian Kelpie breed was created, and it is loved and appreciated as a shepherd dog.

Australian Kelpie is a stubborn but quiet dog, distinguished by great intelligence and independent personality. As a flock dog, he is very vigilant and has a developed guarding behavior. The Australian Kelpie is best suited to a family that is ready to provide enough movement for the dog because they are very active animals.

Moreover, this dog breed also needs a consistent education, which will transform it – in a typical way for herding dogs – into a wonderful companion for humans. The Australian Kelpie is very friendly and tolerant with kids.

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Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound

The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound is a German breed from the Bavarian region. It resembles the Bavarian dog breed but also with the Bloodhound breed, which is why many believe that it was created by crossing these breeds. It is a medium-sized dog, very mobile and agile, that reveals resistance, strength and dexterity in hunting.

Its calm and balanced temperament makes it a very good pet. This dog breed is also intelligent, gentle and sensitive.

The Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound attaches very strongly to the owner and his family, and it is also easy to train and has a non-aggressive behavior, but its personality could be different around strangers.

This dog breed is affectionate with the children, it plays with them but also with other pets. It is a brave dog that behaves normally and it is obedient to his owner.

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Estrela Mountain Dog

Estrella is known as one of the oldest dogs and it could be found in the Iberian Peninsula, its history being lost in time. It is a true friend and an extremely vigilant dog when it comes to guarding sheep.

The breed is part of the pastoral dogs, being raised to guard supplies. In our times, they are still used in various jobs, they are increasingly seen in the position of pets or exhibitors and competitors at different dog shows and contests.

The Estrela Mountain Dogs are not very gourmets and eat everything, so their maintenance from this point of view will not be one that presents great material problems.

It is a big dog, intelligent and very strong. They are very vigilant, independent and stubborn, although, at the same time, extremely affectionate, very attached to their families and with those around them. They are suspicious of strangers and it will be very difficult for them to accept a new owner if they are abandoned. They get along very well with children and other animals, being a good pet.

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Thai Ridgeback

The Thai Ridgeback is native to Thailand, more specifically Phu Quoc Island. These dog breeds are muscular, medium-sized dogs whose hair forms a characteristic ridge on the column.

Even though it has numerous positive qualities and can be a robust, lively and loyal family dog, it could also be at the same time a complicated combination of the desire for domination with a cautious yarn, between extreme stubbornness and hypersensitivity.

Because of its hunting instinct, this breed could be a challenge, but it is not suitable for all dog owners, especially for novice owners. These dog breeds are very brave, intelligent and active that need a lot of physical exercises.

“While Thai Ridgebacks can be loyal family pets, they are independent and protective and are not the best choice for the first-time dog owner,” says Mary Burch, Ph.D., an animal behaviorist with the AKC Family Dog Program.

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Treeing Tennessee Brindle

The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is a breed of Cur, descending from the Old Brindle Cur dog and it is native to the United States. This dog breed is a medium-sized dog with a short, dense and soft coat. Due to its very curious and brave personality, the Treeing Tennessee Brindle has an incredible instinct for hunting.

These dog breeds are very clever, agile and have a great sense of smell as well. The Treeing Tennessee Brindle is an active animal that needs a lot of daily exercise. In general, they are not aggressive dogs and they can get along very well with other animals. As a companion dog, it is an affectionate and loving pet and loves to be around children.

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Norwegian Lundehund

As the name suggests, this small breed hails from the rocky island of Vaeroy in Norway.

It is a very old breed and it was used to hunt the penguins’ nests on the rocks. An epidemic of canine plague in 1940 killed almost all the specimens, but with the effort of the lovers of this breed, they were able to revitalize the breed.

The Norwegian Lundehunds have six fingers and eight cushions compared to five fingers and six cushions as other dogs have that allow them to catch the rocks better. They have a clavicle like humans, which allows them to stretch their front legs in the side and can bend their heads on the back.

This dog breed is a lively, cheerful, intelligent, brave, independent dog, sometimes dominant, quite cunning and barks a little. It is devoted to the family but cautious with strangers. It can get along very well with other dogs, but it should be socialized as a baby with other animals in the house because its hunting instincts are quite strong.

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Pyrenean Shepherd

The Shepherd breed of the Pyrenees is native to Central Asia and Siberia and is a descendant of the Kuvasz, Maremma and St. Bernard. Until the Middle Ages, this dog was specific to mountain areas in Europe, later becoming the favorite dog of the noble families.

This dog breed was trained and raised especially for guiding and guarding the flocks of sheep and even for guarding the houses.

The Pyrenean Shepherd is a large dog, with an imposing, elegant and athletic appearance. It has a tall and strong body, wide and deep chest, straight and wide back, and medium-sized neck. (see more on the next page)

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It has a calm, docile and friendly temperament and it is also a very intelligent dog. Shyness, aggressiveness or nervousness are not characteristics of this dog.

Nevertheless, it is recommended for this dog to be socialized as little as possible. Pyrenean Shepherd is very affectionate and attentive to the owners and, when the situation calls for it, it is also very serious.

Brave and devoted to its family, it is truly man’s best friend. This dog is also ideal for assisted therapies, in hospitals, at the orphanages or in elderly homes.

Photo by Dora Zett / Shutterstock

Cesky Terrier

Cesky Terrier is a dog breed originally from the Czech Republic, and it is also known as the Bohemian Terrier. This breed is relatively new, which was created from the mating of two other breeds of terriers: Sealyham and Scottish in order to obtain a hunting dog.

Cesky Terrier dogs are calm, patient, smart, loyal and obedient animals. They are known to be less active than other dogs of the same breed. The Cesky Terriers can get along very well with other dog breeds, and various animals, being at the same time affectionate with their owner, devoted to their family and friends with children.

These dogs can live in an apartment or outdoors, being healthy and weather resistant. They prefer a loving and active family because they need to socialize and to be trained.

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Belgian Laekenois

As the name suggests, the Belgian Laekenois is native to Belgium, and their most distinguishing feature is their vigorous and charming fur. This dog breed is not recommended for novice dog owners, because they could be a challenge due to their personality and temperament. This breed is extremely loyal, vigilant, intelligent, affectionate and protective with their family. They thrive in the company of humans and love to play with kids, but if you let them alone for long periods of time, they will become destructive. (see more on the next page).

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The Belgian Laekenois requires intensive and early socialization and submission training. This dog breed could be demanding and dominant and they will not respond to harsh training methods. If you want to adopt this breed, you have to know that the training must be done with firmness, fairness, patience, consistency and reward.

Moreover, they need many physical exercises and mental stimulations to grow harmoniously. They are not recommended for the apartment or for people who live in the urban environment, because they love the rural life, with large spaces for running.  

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