Categories: Pets

10 Affectionate Cat Breeds With the Friendliest Personalities

(c) PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek / Shutterstock

Like it or not, we have to admit that a well-known stereotype about cats and their affection for humans is that they are rather narcissistic, but not all cats are the same. They have different personalities and they could be affectionate and loving as well. So, if you want to adopt a cat that loves to cuddle, these breeds are all you need!

(c) Petr Jilek / Shutterstock

Russian Blue

Besides the fact that they are blessed with a good look, they are really loving. Thus, because of their beautiful presence, they appear often in TV adverts. 

They are naturally well-behaved, so you can easily train them. They are also curious, loyal and playful and they simply love human company.

(c) Veera / Shutterstock

Devon Rex

This cat breed is highly intelligent and playful. Thus, it jumps on your shoulder and shows you how much it loves you when you least expect it.

Also, this breed is loyal to your family and it can be a good traveler. Of course, some people say that they are excellent therapy pets. 

(c) Stokkete / Shutterstock


One of the most important things about this cat breed is that they are territorial, but they are NOT aggressive. They tend to be very attached to their owners, but they also get jealous when the owner pays attention to other animals and not them.

(c) Anastasija Kru / Shutterstock


Abyssinians are highly intelligent and highly active cats, so try and hide puzzles or other valuable things that can be broken. But, nevertheless, they love to cuddle and adore to show you affection. Another important fact about these beautiful creatures is related to their respect for children and their friendship with other pets, like cat-friendly dogs, birds or ferrets.

(c) bunnygraphy / Shutterstock

Maine Coon Cat

Maine Coon Cats are very friendly and intelligent pets. Most people compare them to dogs because they have similar personalities. These cat breeds are very affectionate and they also can be friends with other animals. These cats will help you no matter what and they are always there for you, because of their curiosity. So, they will not leave you alone even when you go to the bathroom or while trying to work.

(c) ANURAK PONGPATIMET / Shutterstock

American Shorthair

Affectionate and friendly, American Shorthair cats can adapt to the needs of each family which makes them a good pet for all ages. This cat breed loves to be held in your arms and to cuddle. When it wants attention, it will bite you slightly to make you notice.

(c) Daria Chichkareva


They are very talkative, but that’s a good thing because they will tell you when the food isn’t good or when they want some attention from you. Moreover, they are highly curious and smart. So, if you want a Siamese cat, you have to know that it will get involved in everything it does and it could endlessly love its owner.

(c) Viktor Sergeevich


This beautiful mini-panther is an ambitious and very clever cat. People who already own this breed say that they are extremely loving and gentle. They are just like dogs because they want attention all the time and also love to be held in their owner’s arms. Also, these cats act well around children as long as they are taught how to behave with other pets.

(c) Seregraff / Shutterstock


Burmese cats are known for being people-friendly and affectionate. These cats are like dogs because they follow their owners from room to room and they also love to be around children. These pets are very curious and active, which means they adore playing with toys and running all day all over the house.

(c) fotoliza / Shutterstock

European Burmese

The beautiful European Burmese is an active and smart breed that adapts easily to changes and loves to be affectionate with its parents. They love to climb the furniture and to play with toys because they have a lot of energy.

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