Categories: Pets

6 Common Health Problems in Hedgehogs

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People who want to adopt a hedgehog as a pet should know that these mammals are generally insectivores, but they will also eat a lot of different animals and plants when available. As you probably know, hedgehogs are nocturnal animals that love to sleep during the day. Moreover, they can camouflage when threatened and are able to curl up into a small ball to drive away predators.

In fact, they are active animals, so if you are ready to adopt one, try to give them a large cage, as they need a lot of space. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to keep them only in a cage, because hedgehogs need time even outside their cage to explore and run around. 

Nevertheless, just like other animals, hedgehogs can suffer from several health problems. Many of them can be prevented and combated, but others can be fatal. So, here are some common health issues that can be found in hedgehogs. Read on for more info!

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Mite infestation

Mite infestation is caused by microscopic parasites that invade the skin of healthy animals and cause irritation, itching hair loss, inflammation and other severe complications. Of course, hedgehogs are susceptible to mite infestation as well, not just dogs and cats. In general, all domestic animals can be affected by mites. 

So, hedgehogs can suffer from mites, but they don’t show symptoms as in the case of other animals. Unfortunately, they can pass these parasites to other pets or on different surfaces. 

According to Stacey Leonatti Wilkinson, DVM, at Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital of Georgia, Pooler, Georgia, “most all hedgehogs have mites, but in very low numbers and may never show symptoms, though they can also be transmitted between animals and on surfaces, depending on the species of mite.”

If you want a hedgehog as a pet, it’s very important to keep them away from other animals for at least two or three weeks and notice if they have mites or other skin irritations. Your veterinarian will help you with a possible diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

“Mites can be treated with three doses of medication two weeks apart,” Dr. Wilkinson explained. “Most commonly used is Revolution (Selamectin) topically, but Ivermectin can also be given by injection as long as the dose is properly calculated by a veterinarian. Prognosis is excellent if properly treated.”


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Gastrointestinal diseases

Hedgehogs are particularly prone to gastrointestinal infections and “the bacteria Salmonella is carried by many hedgehogs, and it can spread to humans,” Dr. Wilkinson says.

So, if you notice that your beloved pet has diarrhea you should schedule a veterinary consultation as soon as possible. Your vet will analyze the fecal matter of your hedgehog and will determine the diagnosis and treatment. This disease is often cured with appropriate antibiotics. 

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Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome (WHS)

Wobbly hedgehog syndrome (WHS) is a degenerative neurological condition that affects all breeds of hedgehogs, both males and females. Nevertheless, this disease can be found especially in young hedgehogs under 2 years old. This neurological disease is also known as progressive paresis or paralysis. Animal experts don’t know the exact cause of this health issue, but it is believed to be genetic. 

The signs of wobbly hedgehog syndrome include paralysis, lethargy and loss of appetite. “Over time this progresses to affect the front legs, and eventually the animals start to feel poorly, become weak and lethargic, and stop eating. Significant weight loss occurs, and they cannot stand,” said Dr. Wilkinson. 

Unfortunately, “there is no diagnostic test for this condition,” Dr. Wilkinson adds. “It can only be diagnosed by ruling out all other causes of similar symptoms.”

As far as they can tell, there is no treatment for this disease and veterinarians often recommend euthanasia when your hedgehog’s quality of life becomes unbearable. Being a genetic disease, you can ask when you adopt a hedgehog about their family history, if possible.

According to experts, hedgehogs that have this disease are more likely to develop complications and die in about 24 months.


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They can develop obesity

If you don’t pay attention to their diet, hedgehogs can become obese and it is very dangerous for their health. How do you know if your pet is overweight? Well, you should check their bellies and if they have excess flesh that hangs down it may be a sign that they are obese. Moreover, they will have difficulty walking or running.

In fact, you will notice this when they have to turn into a perfect ball, because “a hedgehog should be able to completely roll up in a ball without any fat protruding,” Dr. Wilkinson says.

Of course, this health issue can be prevented, so all you have to do is to feed your hedgehog daily with the same amount of food, without exaggerating and without letting them choose freely. Plus, don’t forget to limit their treats, if you want a healthy pet.

“Indoor adult cat foods are commonly used, but there are some excellent insectivore diets available now as well,” Dr. Wilkinson said. “And encourage plenty of exercise by keeping a wheel in the cage and allowing supervised time outside of the cage.”

Obesity is a serious problem that can affect your pet’s quality of life and health. Obesity can lead to diabetes, heart disease, respiratory distress, high blood pressure and cancers. These conditions can be fatal to your pets if you don’t resolve this problem. All pets can develop obesity and, as you already know, the main cause is eating too much food or unhealthy meals and not exercising enough. 

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They can develop ophthalmological diseases

Hedgehogs are more likely to develop ophthalmological diseases and corneal ulcers than other domestic pets. According to animal experts, some of these diseases can be prevented and combated, but the treatment is mostly compromised because hedgehogs ball up and hide their faces. However, scientists say that they can live a good life even though they become blind. 

The most common ophthalmological disease in hedgehogs is eye irritation because they have prominent eyes, which makes them more susceptible to injury. The cause may be dust or other different objects that touch their eyes. Symptoms include tearing, holding the eye shut or frequent blinking. 

If you want to prevent this health problem, you have to make sure that the cage of your hedgehogs is always clean and free of sharp objects that can touch their eyes. 


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They can develop a respiratory infection

Respiratory diseases are common in almost all pets and the most common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, crusty nose and eyes, raspy breathing and dyspnea. Unfortunately, both young and aged hedgehogs can develop respiratory diseases. In most cases, these respiratory infections are caused by contagious viruses. Yet, symptoms of respiratory infections in hedgehogs can vary depending on the cause of the infection. If you pay attention to their behavior, you will also notice lethargy and loss of appetite.

Moreover, if your hedgehog develops pneumonia, it can lead to “increased respiratory rate and effort, labored breathing, lethargy, anorexia, and weakness,” Dr. Wilkinson explained.

Sadly, respiratory infections can be deadly to these little pets if left untreated. So, try to talk to your vet as soon as possible if you notice something different in your pet’s behavior. Your veterinarian will find out the diagnosis and give you the appropriate treatment.  

“Treatment will involve antibiotics and, potentially, supportive-care measures [such as] syringe feeding, fluids, nebulization, etc. [but] if the animal isn’t eating or drinking,” Dr. Wilkinson says. “Prognosis for upper respiratory infections is excellent, but for pneumonia, it can be more guarded depending on the extent of disease.”

So, all you need to do to prevent this possible disease is to keep your hedgehog cage clean, don’t skip regular vet check ups and try to keep them away from other new pets for at least two weeks. 

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