Categories: Pets

5 Ways to Tell Your Pets You Love Them in Their Own Language

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According to a recent survey, many people said that they know if their pet loves them, but they don’t know exactly how to express their love back so that these little furry animals understand. So, the best way to tell a pet that you love them is to use their own language as a tool that will help you send the right message. In this case, you should learn and understand canine communication and behavior. 

In addition, if you want your dog to understand that you love them, sometimes you have to do more than just buying fancy clothes, treats, toys, collar or cozy beds. One of the most important things that you have to take into consideration when you are ready to adopt a dog is to show them the love and affection that they truly deserve. 

Of course, you don’t need extra time or to plan a scheduled meeting with your dog to show them love and affection, because they can feel it through your gestures if you use the right language. 

“Enrichment and meeting your dog’s needs is the number one way to show love for your dog,” Russell Hartstein, CDBC, CPDT-KA, a dog trainer, behavioralist, and CEO of Fun Paw Care tells Elite Daily. “People many times misunderstand love and simply love the way they want to love. In essence, it may be a selfish type of love.”

So, here are some tips on how to show love to your pets in their own language. Read on for more info!

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Use your voice

I guess we all tend to use kind of a baby voice when we talk to our pets, right? So, if you do this too, we have to congratulate you as you do a great job because these little friends associate this voice with positive feelings and understand that you appreciate them. 

So, the next time when you talk to your beloved furry pet try to say love things using a gentle tone, such as “I love you”, “you are my favorite buddy”, “I adore you” and so on. That being said, your voice can influence the way animals perceive what you want to convey.

Nevertheless, “it’s prosodic of speech (pitch rhythm and tone) that matter, not the actual words,” Hartstein said. “Our energy, through limbic resonance and emotional contagion, evoke feelings of love and care for our family members.”

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Use your body language

Another important thing that you need to consider when you want to tell your pet you love them is to use your body language, namely that you should make eye contact, because dogs, for example, wait for this signal before showing you affection. In addition, it’s very important to know that you should never try to make eye contact with other unknown dogs because it can also be a sign of threat. 

“Dogs watch and wait for moments to gaze and connect with humans,” said Phil Tedeschi, an animal expert. “This eye contact stimulates bonding and the ‘love’ hormone, oxytocin, which has human health benefits such as making us friendlier, more optimistic, happier and trusting.”

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Don’t forget about cuddles

If you want to create a strong connection with your pet, you have to cuddle up together as often as possible. Not only will you feel better after a hug session, but your pet will also know for sure that you love them back. For instance, according to animal experts, dogs love to cuddle with their owners. 

“Cuddling is the canine parallel to handholding or hugging,” Jodi Andersen, co-founder and chief dog expert at How I Met My Dog tells Elite Daily. “Pack animals like to be as close to their pack members as possible, and what better way to stay connected than snuggling and cuddling.”

Studies have shown that when you cuddle with your pet, your brains produce oxytocin – also known as the “love hormone” – and it will improve your relationship, creating a strong bond between you. Don’t forget that even those independent felines sometimes need the human touch, so try to give them affection as well.

Photo by Anna Krivitskaya from Shutterstock

Try to respect their “me time”

Even though animals need constant attention and affection, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have their “me time”. So, in order to avoid some inconvenience, try to respect their limits when they are not in the mood. In fact, animals are still animals, even if you train them properly, so they can react differently and unpredictably.

“Many times, the problem that people have in working with dogs is humanizing them too much, and not recognizing or respecting their needs and boundaries over the preference to do what you as their person wants,” says Jme Thomas, executive director of Motley Zoo Animal Rescue.

You should know and understand the behavior of your pet, so try to give them space when they want.

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Say ‘yes’ to new adventures together

What could be more relaxing than spending a lot of time with your beloved furry friend in a park, trip or vacation? According to animal experts, there are some dog breeds that need a long daily walk in the park or an occasional long trip to feel loved. In other words, you have to meet their needs to make them feel loved and appreciated. 

According to Ashley O’Hara, founder of Compass Key Service Dog Training, “while most dogs really like routines and structure, switching up play and exercise routines is a fun way to keep a dog engaged and feel appreciated.”

Additionally, walking your dog means more than just enjoying the nature together – it is absolutely necessary for the health of your dog because it can stimulate their brain and improve their body function, they are more likely to socialize (and socialization is also crucial for them), and the best part is that it can help you build a strong bond between you. 

According to the Animal Foundation, “when walking your dog, consider it a training opportunity. [They don’t know] how to walk on a leash, so you’ll have to teach them how to follow your lead. You can teach them commands like, “sit,” “stay,” and “heel,” especially if you take treats with you.”

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