Categories: Pets

8 Secrets About Animal Shelters That Were Kept Hidden From You

Photo by David Tadevosian / Shutterstock

Many people created a wrong impression about shelter animals through the media, leading to the non-adoption of animals. For instance, the individuals that do not love animals that much but they had a pet in their past, can invoke unreal and fake reasons to leave their animals at the shelter.

Many of these people say that they abandon their dogs because of their aggressive behavior and that they probably attacked the owners or other family members. But what you do not know is the reason why the dog could do such a thing.

If you treat them right, if you love and protect them, they will never hurt you, but if it feels threatened by you and you hit it then the dog can attack back to save itself. Imagine you being him, when someone treats you badly, don’t you try to defend yourself?

If you do not know how to take care of an animal, then do not adopt one and let someone else have the opportunity to love it, because, in fact, you are its whole life, so, don’t ruin it.

Anyway, there is another category of people who think that shelter animals have different health problems and some diseases can be transmitted to humans, but this is wrong because they are cured of all those problems.

And of course, if you thought that adopting a shelter dog can be difficult because they cannot be trained you are again wrong because there are many trainers that can help you with all the info you need.

So, do not believe everything you hear on social media and try to give the shelter animals a chance, because they need your help and love. Read on to find out more!

Photo by Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock

The number of homeless animals is bigger than that of humans

Having a home and something to eat means more than we could imagine and we should appreciate the things we have more than we actually do because we can lose it all in one day.

Unfortunately, we can end up like these unhappy people and animals because of natural disasters, but let’s hope that we are safe now. However, there are some studies that have shown the fact that dogs suffer from vagrancy more than people do and there are more animals without a family or a home than humans.

In some countries where the animal attack is not yet harshly punished, people still torture homeless animals for their entertainment. There is a case from a European country where people mistreated animals by putting firecrackers in their mouths, disfiguring them during the New Year’s Eve.

Photo by napocska / Shutterstock

Adopting a shelter animal is cheaper than you think

The price of adoption is debatable because it depends on the shelter. Some shelters do not ask for adoption fees, but others won’t charge more than $200 for documents. But if you opt for a pet shop or a breeder, then the things will change a little, because some animals have price tags that will empty your wallet instantly.

For instance, in the US, a registered breeder of British short hair cat will charge between $1000 and $1800. Also, an English bulldog is likely to cost between $1500 and $4000. Can you believe that?

Photo by Mila Supinskaya Glashchenko / Shutterstock

Shelter animals are just like the other animals

Shelters animals are perfectly normal, so do not believe everything you hear about them. Some people abandon their pets because they have some allergies or because of their behavioral issues, like peeing in house or barking and crying when they are home alone.

They are just like kids, so try to educate them so that you understand what they want to convey to you. Shelter animals could be perfectly normal and they are easy to train as well.

Photo by Maria Sbytova / Shutterstock

The shelters are full of young animals

Another misconception that keeps people away from adopting a shelter pet is the fact that they still believe that these animals are very old and could die in any second, but obviously, this is not true!

A study published in the Macedonian Veterinary Review discovered in 2013 that most cats and dogs that are entering the shelter are younger than the average, some being even babies. However, there are a lot of dogs and cats that are available for adoption at any age.

Photo by Photography by Adri / Shutterstock

Shelter animals can be purebred

If you thought that the only way you can have a purebred dog or cat is through a breeder you are mistaken.

There are some studies that found out the fact that 25% of all animal shelters are purebred. Can you believe that? Why would you pay a lot of money when you can adopt one?

Photo by Celiafoto / Shutterstock

People abandon millions of animals every year

Studies have shown that over 6.5 million animals are abandoned and brought to the shelter. We are sorry to hear this and we are still trying to figuring out why people get a pet but then leave them.

However, sadder than this is the fact that there are countries where attacking an animal is not actually punished, or the law probably exists, but the citizens disregard it. We have to stop the actions in which animals are terrorized and harshly tortured.

Photo by David Porras / Shutterstock

The number of animal shelters is slowly decreasing, though

Even though people abandon their beloved pets in a very large number every year, nowadays the rate of animals remaining in the shelter is slowly decreasing. In case you did not know this before, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), 2011 brought with it a rate of 7.2 million animals in shelters, but the nationwide shelters recorded a decrease of about 10 percent.

Photo by Halfpoint / Shutterstock

Shelter animals are carefully evaluated

As I said before, people are very worried to adopt a dog or a cat because they think that animal shelters can be sick or have various behavioral issues. But according to Kenny Lamberti, “the vast majority of dogs that would come from a shelter are evaluated for behavior and health.”

But what you did not know is that shelters have the best ways to analyze the animals’ condition and they do this constantly. So, there are some pet shops and breeders that do not pay as much attention to animal health care as shelters do.

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