Categories: Facts

6 Reasons Why Your Dog Is Scratching All the Time

Photo by mylisa from shutterstock.com

Being a dog owner has its many great perks. You have a loyal, cuddly, and ADORABLE companion. But this job also comes with a lot of baggage. And even though they are furry, and barking creatures, they do act a lot like toddlers.

One of the biggest issues every dog owner has to deal with is their consistent scratching. It’s bad for them and annoying to you. There are multiple reasons why your dog is doing that, and it’s treatable.

Let’s see what’s causing your pooch to scratch:

Reasons why your dog is scratching

1. They’re having an allergy attack

When your dog is scratching it can mean that they are allergic to something. They might have had an allergy to their food, environmental triggers, or something else. Your pooch can also develop a rash or have irritated skin.

Click on the next page to learn about other reasons for their scratching and how you can treat it.

Photo by Tongsai from shutterstock.com

2. They are simply bored or anxious

Whenever we are bored or anxious, we tend to bite our nails or twirl our hair. Whenever our canine friend feels this, they act in a similar way, they start scratching.

3. Their skin is dry

During the cold season, because of the weather, their skin is getting dry. This makes them really uncomfortable which is why they can react to it by scratching.

4. They experience a hormonal imbalance

They also tend to scratch a lot when they experience insufficient thyroid hormones. If that happens, they can get superficial skin infections. Your dog may scratch or lick itself if it’s bothered by allergies.

5. They are in pain

This is one of the most common causes for which your puppy is scratching so fiercely. If you notice them biting their paw repeatedly, then they might have a stone stuck in their footpad.

However, compulsive chewing or licking can mean they have orthopedic issues such as arthritis or hip dysplasia.

6. Parasites

Another reason why they scratch, chew, and lick themselves is because of parasites. Most common are fleas, ticks, and mites. Ticks can easily be noticed. However, fleas aren’t as visible unless there’s a large infestation.

In addition, mites are microscopic, so, don’t be so quick to think they are free of parasites.

Click on the next page to learn what you can do when these situations occur:

Photo by Zivica Kerkez from shutterstock.com

Treatment for the scratching

1. Take care of those parasites

If you are under any suspicion that your dog might have parasites, take them to the vet. They will recommend the right products for it. Whatever the case, you should vacuum the carpeting and wash your dog’s bed

2. Change their food

If they are allergic to their food you need to switch it right away. Talk to your vet and they will recommend a special diet and what you need to eliminate from their daily meals.

3. Give them some medication

Your vet will know what to prescribe for your favorite companion. So, don’t hesitate and pay them a visit or give them a call.

4. Give them love and attention

If they are scratching because they suffer from anxiety or depression, you should take them often on walks, give them more attention and love.

A. I.:
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