Categories: Birds

Incredible Facts About the American Oystercatcher Bird

The American Oystercatcher (Haematopus palliatus) is a common sight on rocky and sandy beaches and saltwater lagoons on Galapagos. It has a bright red bill which it uses as an oyster shell opener. The American Oystercatcher has black and white plumage, the top part of its body and its wings are black, the underparts white. Find out more facts in the following article!

American Oystercatchers feed on crustaceans and molluscs and are also able to open crab shells with their strong beaks.

American Oystercatchers patrol the beaches for food and are somewhat approachable, they actually come close to the tourists. Chicks are often seen trying to get their own food when just a few weeks old. This behavior is typical of shorebirds who are less dependant on their parents than seabirds.

American Oystercatchers are listed as a species of concern in several states because of low and declining populations, and threats to coastal habitats.

Threats include development and recreational use of nesting beaches.

These handsome looking countershaded waders use their bright beak to stab a bivalve between the shells of many moluscs and slice the strong adductor muscles to get at the meat inside.

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