Categories: Birds

Cuba’s Native Hummingbird

The bee hummingbird is a living example of the phrase ‘small but perfectly formed”. These tiny creatures are the smallest birds in the world, yet their anatomies are a stunning spectacle. Males are a striking emerald green with scarlet throats, while females flaunt mesmerising speckled blueish-green feathers and a white breast. Their feathers are iridescent, making these miniature birds sparkle like jewels when they are viewed from certain angles.

They visit as many as 1,500 plants per day to feed on sweet nectar

Although they’re a bit larger than their namesakes, bee hummingbirds do share the bee’s love of nectar. They move their tongues rapidly in and out of their beaks while hovering near flowers, visiting as many as 1,500 plants per day to feed on the sweet, sticky liquid inside them. Pollen sticks to the hummingbird’s head while it feeds, so these little birds also play an important role in pollination.

Size: 60mm (2.4 in)
Comparison: The size of a golf tee

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