Police dogs want the same things people want when they retire: comfort and quality time with their loved ones. But for K9s who have spent their lives sniffing out bad guys, tracking down a home doesn’t always come easy.
Fortunately, organizations like Houston-based Mission K9 Rescue are dedicated to placing retired police and military working dogs into loving, responsible homes where they can live out their days in well-deserved peace and quiet.
But it wasn’t always this way. Before Bill Clinton signed Robby’s Law into effect back in 2000, military and police dogs that weren’t adopted by their trainers, handlers, or other service members were euthanized after retirement.

But now, organizations like Mission K9 Rescue are working to make these brave canines adoptable for civilians. Their mission is to “Rescue, Reunite, Re-Home, Rehabilitate and Repair any retired working dog that has served mankind in some capacity.”
Those interested in adopting a retired police dog must be up to snuff. Your home must meet acceptable standards that vary based on the type of dog to be placed. You must also prove that you are stable and have plenty of time to devote to your new pup. Keep in mind that most retired K9s are German Shepherds and Belgian Malinois and are typically older in age.
For more information, visit MissionK9Rescue.org.
1 thought on “How to Adopt a Retired Police Dog”
I was born into a home with a Dog for Defense having served in the Army K9 Core and honorably discharged back to our home in Henderson, Ky . I still have his discharge papers.
Through out my life I have lived with beloved German Shepherd Dogs from Germany brought here for their calm and steady temperament. I trained with our Police Dept. in German Dog Sport and discipline . I am too old now to train a new puppy and raise him correctly. I have no dogs, only one elderly cat. I have so much to offer a retired service or Military Dog. I have a lovely home and can offer superior love and care in my home with exercise suitable to a retired fellow who no longer needs heavy demands of Police service. Please consider me as a
friend, able provider and loving companion to one who has earned the very best retirement.
Thank you so very much . Lindsy (775) 451-7264