Photo by everydoghasastory / Shutterstock

Australian Kelpie

The Australian Kelpie comes from a female Collie, that was brought from England to Australia around 1870 and it is considered the original mother of this breed. By mating with other breeds and most likely even with the wild dog Dingo, thatā€™s how the Australian Kelpie breed was created, and it is loved and appreciated as a shepherd dog.

Australian Kelpie is a stubborn but quiet dog, distinguished by great intelligence and independent personality. As a flock dog, he is very vigilant and has a developed guarding behavior. The Australian Kelpie is best suited to a family that is ready to provide enough movement for the dog because they are very active animals.

Moreover, this dog breed also needs a consistent education, which will transform it – in a typical way for herding dogs – into a wonderful companion for humans. The Australian Kelpie is very friendly and tolerant with kids.

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1 thought on “”

  1. I looked up Lundehund and according to Google translate that means Puffin.
    I would have thought that it would be some kind of *****hound.
    Does anyone know what it means in Norway?

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