Estrela Mountain Dog
Estrella is known as one of the oldest dogs and it could be found in the Iberian Peninsula, its history being lost in time. It is a true friend and an extremely vigilant dog when it comes to guarding sheep.
The breed is part of the pastoral dogs, being raised to guard supplies. In our times, they are still used in various jobs, they are increasingly seen in the position of pets or exhibitors and competitors at different dog shows and contests.
The Estrela Mountain Dogs are not very gourmets and eat everything, so their maintenance from this point of view will not be one that presents great material problems.
It is a big dog, intelligent and very strong. They are very vigilant, independent and stubborn, although, at the same time, extremely affectionate, very attached to their families and with those around them. They are suspicious of strangers and it will be very difficult for them to accept a new owner if they are abandoned. They get along very well with children and other animals, being a good pet.
1 thought on “”
I looked up Lundehund and according to Google translate that means Puffin.
I would have thought that it would be some kind of *****hound.
Does anyone know what it means in Norway?